Friday, January 30, 2009

What do the planets have in store for you this weekend of Jan., 31st 09

“If God sends us on strong paths, we are provided strong shoes.”
Corrie Tenboom

Spiritual Affirmation for the Weekend:

“Positive energy swirls around me and connects me to only positive people today!”

(What is an affirmation? An affirmation is a statement you make to energetically change your circumstances. It is a declaration that something is true or it is a wish stated as if something is already true.)

Astro Weekend

Friday, Jan., 30 thru Sunday, Feb., 1, 2009

Happy wonderful weekend! Ready to exhale? With all the atmospheric turmoil that has been happening this week, it’s a good guess that you’re more than happy to have a few days off to stop holding your breath. This past week was full of unsettling energy as the solar eclipse joined forces with the retrograde to cause even more confusing or revealing situations! Expect things to slowly quiet down as the Mercury retrograde ends on Sunday and your communication and decision to start normalizing. On Friday, you’ll be able to get plenty done after the Void of Course Moon, (lacking energy) ends at 10:52 a.m. EST. You can have a run in with someone at work regarding how certain things are supposed to be done. Try not to allow anyone to ruin the start of your weekend with their control issues! The stimulating Aries Moon lasts thru Saturday and Sunday to give you a burst of extra momentum! You’ll be all over the place getting things done with energy to spare! Avoid any major purchases this weekend! Don’t get overly excited about a deal and forget that the retrograde doesn’t end until Sunday. You’ll probably change your mind about anything you’ve purchased before too long!

.If Friday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aquarius who is persuasive and tactful. Thursday is your best day.
If Saturday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aquarius who is outspoken and creative. Sunday is your best day.
If Sunday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aquarius who is appealing and original Sunday is your best day.

Aries: With the Sun in your sign this weekend! You’ll be feeling on top of things! The sluggishness you’ve been experiencing will leave you and you’ll be inspired to try something new and different! You could use some new associates. Let this be a weekend where you contact and meet new people. Some of your old friends might feel a bit neglected when they discover that you’re in the company of others. Seek energetic conversations this weekend!

Taurus: No more excuses with your money! You’re well aware of how much money you have available to do certain things and going over your budget these days, is no excuse! If frivolous spending has become a favorite past time in your recent history, this is the weekend to change some old habits! Self improvement will improve your finances. Feeling good about yourself will keep you from trying to fill ‘emotional voids’ with things! Find a more fulfilling hobby this weekend!

Gemini: Prepare yourself for a weekend of unexpected occurrences. Yes, the retrograde is coming to an end, but for you, my dear Gemini, things can get worse before they get better! Avoid taking any chances by keeping company with any high maintenance people and seek a low profile this weekend! Highly irritating people find their way in your circle and the wrong things said can create the worse feelings!

Cancer: Keep your sensitivities under check over the next few days! The planets cause you to be rubbed in the wrong ways unless you’re aware of the energies you’re being handed this weekend! People at home and family members can be an enormous source of aggravation! They don’t see your needs, only their own personal issues and could care less what you’re feeling. Refrain from giving everyone a piece of your mind. They wouldn’t know what to do with it anyway! Keep the peace this weekend!

Leo: This is the weekend to be careful Leo! The effects of your charisma are showing up all over the place. You’ll find that the most unexpected person starts flirting with you which may bring a smile to your face, but irritation the person you’re with this weekend! If you find yourself without company, this can be a very rewarding time! You’ll notice that no one is shy when it comes to getting your attention. Your ego can be enormously stroked over the weekend, and why not?

Virgo: Your ‘care giving’ ways will be called upon this weekend! Someone you love has received some bad news or has been given some bad luck when it comes to a certain matter and you’re the only person who can ‘talk them off the ledge!’ Be prepared to show someone in emotional distress a little tender loving care this weekend. With the way things are going, just be glad it’s not you! Remember, that ‘therefore but for the grace of God . . . ”

Libra: Looks can be deceiving! A person you showed no interested of before, suddenly starts looking more appealing to you! Your love energy is being shifted into a higher gear by passion planet Mars. Don’t do anything you might regret later. Take your time in establishing contact with this person. Things which look good to you, might not be good for you! Of course, this is the last thing you’ll want to hear this weekend!

Scorpio: ‘Pretty is, as pretty does!’ This is the weekend to work on your weaknesses. No one is perfect and if you know where your weak points are, you might consider giving them some extra attention this weekend! A pretty face with an empty personality will get you nowhere! Cultivate some habits which will make you a more interesting person. More people like substance than anything else!

Sagittarius: Flattery will get you everywhere this weekend! There is a person you like who seems to be a bit insecure and shy! If you want to get closer and let know about your intentions for love, try giving a compliment or two! Not only will this break the ice, but it might give the confidence they need to move forward! Let’s not forget that you get more with using honey than vinegar!

Capricorn: This can be a very productive weekend for you! The planets give you the incentive you need to get your home in order or take care of some matter which has been hanging around forever! You embrace the last few energetic ‘drops’ of the retrograde and take care of some unfinished business. You might not be the fastest person in the world, but you sure are the most thorough! You get brownie points for your actions this weekend!

Aquarius: Just in case you were planning to have a nice quiet weekend, forget it! Some of your noisiest friends and loved ones are considering looking you up! They need to have your presence in a gathering they’re planning to have. What good is a party without your face? Not answering your phone or door won’t keep them away from you! You have clever friends and they have ways of locating you! Get ready to have a good time this weekend!

Pisces: You might consider staying close to home to nurse a few of your wounds! Some encounter with a coworker last week has left you emotionally bruised and battered! You just have to learn better tactics of getting back at your work week torturers! Call your most insulting friends this weekend and ask for a few tips! This is the weekend to brush up on workplace warfare! Let them reap what they have sown!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Kim Allen is available for readings at from Mon thru Fri. from 1:00 pm. thru 7:00 p.m. EST

This is my temporary home until by website is cured from it's virus!!!

(Kim Allen for Psychic Readings at 718-443-3202)

“In happy moments, praise God, in difficult moments, seek God,
in quiet moments, worship God, in painful moments, trust God
and for every moment, thank God.”

Pastor Rick Warren

A Reflective Note from Kim Allen:

Psalms 118:24 quotes that “This is a day that the Lord has made and I will be glad in it.” And, as far as I am concerned, I will be glad in this day and any other day God’s wakes me up! And as you can see, I am still going my computer drama but this situation is so minor compared to what is happening to other people, that I am prepared to hang in here as long as it takes. Just look at what happened to the family in California, where the father of five children, killed his family, himself and his wife, all over not having a job! May God have mercy in that situation. It just goes to show you that when you lose perspective of your problems, that you can lose everything! Thanks to the grace of God, I’m still standing!

Spiritual Affirmation for the Day:

“I’m glad to be alive and dwelling in the presence of the Lord.”
-Kim Allen

(What is an affirmation? An affirmation is a statement you make to energetically change your circumstances. It is a declaration that something is true or it is a wish stated as if something is already true.)

Astro Reading for Thursday, Jan., 29, 2009

Happy tremendous Thursday! Welcome to another laid back day! The Moon remaining in the sign of Pisces encourages you to respect your emotions when it comes to matters. How you feel about things makes a major difference in how you approach the day’s circumstances. Fairness in all you do is very important to the way you conduct your business today! You can be very concerned about the well being of others. The Mercury retrograde only has a few days left before it ends on Sunday. If there is any research you have yet to get done, this is a perfect day to look for the information you need! If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aquarius who is intuitive and generous. Monday is your best day. Best signs for the day are Scorpio and Pisces.

Aries: Stop making excuses for your failures! Owning up to that the fact that you’re in charge of your destiny and not outside forces is a big leap. Being organized is the first step toward making positive progress. It is critical to your success, and there is no way you can rise to higher heights if you don’t know where things are or know exactly where you want to do. Allow the retrograde to help you figure out things. Spend some time thinking about your future today!

Taurus: Romantic decisions should be put on hold for a few more days! The retrograde has allowed deep introspection of your feelings and you may have discovered that your emotions about love may not be as clear as you had once thought! Now is the time to take charge of your intentions about romance, and not allow guilt feelings to keep you in relationships that you no longer enjoy being a part of!

Gemini: Since the retrograde, you’ve had your hands full with keeping the peace with coworkers and people you love! There is someone on your job who is ‘asking’ for a confrontation and has been going out of their way to torture you in any way that they can. Worry not! Their day of reckoning is coming. Next week the retrograde is over and you’ll be free to clearly voice your opinion. Conditions at work will soon change!

Cancer: You’ve been strongly on the mind of someone from the past! Don’t be surprised to hear from an old love before the end of the retrograde. This person wants to have a few words with you, just need to resolve a few issues so that they can have peace of mind. Unless you’re prepared to keep hearing from this person every now and then, this can be a good time to end an unresolved problem. Return all phone calls!

Leo: Don’t reveal your feelings to anyone today! Someone wants to figure out how you think by trying to pick your brain to find out how deep your emotions are about a certain matter. Keep everything to yourself today! They have a hidden motive for wanting to know where you stand. Try not to be so transparent with the inner you! Let them do their homework!

Virgo: Stay away from confrontational conversations with loved ones! Someone is so annoyed with you that no matter how far you bend over backwards to please them, they will still have a problem. Instead of them stating what the issue is, they make things hard to figure out! Don’t even entertain anyone with a communication problem. If they can’t say what’s on their mind, then leave them alone! You’re no mind reader!

Libra: Are you listening to your heart or listening to the influence of someone else? Are you sure you are where you want to be when it comes to love, or is there another path you would like to take at this time? This is the perfect time to take a few steps backwards and get a realistic view on your love life. If all is not well, figure out why? You can now get to the root of your problem!

Scorpio: There are some things which should not be tampered with! If you see that things are going an unexpected way in your career and there is nothing you can do about it, just maybe there is a divine reason for things to happen a certain way. When situations are out of your control there can be a higher purpose for them to occur. Use your insight in any puzzling matter! The truth might be that it’s not up to you to dictation or decide!

Sagittarius: Your focus has been off lately! You haven’t been able to concentrate on those things which need your attention because your mind has been else where. If you find yourself confused about which next step to take, maybe you should go deeper and discover what it is you truly want to do! You can only fool your heart for so long. Get your mind and heart in union regarding a certain matter! If not, things will continue to fall apart!

Capricorn: Money might make the world go round, but get can’t make you happy when it comes to the essential issues of life! This is the time to reconsider what it is that you do with your spare time? Are you involved in things which bring you inner fulfillment or are you involved in things which brings more money to buy things? Happiness does not come from a shopping bag! Being true to yourself is a good beginning in finding real joy in your life. Start today!

Aquarius: Keep all irritation you might have with your coworkers under control today! Under no circumstances are you to have any outward problems with them. They might get on your nerves and test your patience to no end, but allowing them to see it will bring on a whole new set of issues for you to deal with! Some battles are not worth the future headaches and this is one of those such battles! Keep your grievances to yourself!

Pisces: Double check your friends today! Someone you normally trust is proving themselves to be untrustworthy! Being such a sensitive person, you frequently have to find people to discuss issues with, but the planets warn of betrayal. If you must discuss your secrets with others, make sure you are speaking with a person who is worthy of knowing your personal business. There are many who fall short!

Kim Allen at for Psychic Readings

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wednesday Jan, 28, 2009

“I thank my God every time I remember you.”
Philippians 1:3

Question: What is that President Obama and Astrologer Kim Allen have in common?
Answer: Both their web sites were invaded by a virus this week!

If you need a reading email me at or call me at 718-443-3202

Hang in there everyone! I will be using this site temporarily, http:///, until my site is secured and rebooted. In the mean time I am in good spirit and plan on keeping things moving! Here is a quote I would like share with you, because we all have our moments of difficulty . . .

“This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, love to complete your life.”
-Author Unknown

Astro Reading for Wednesday Jan 28, 2009

Happy wonderful Wednesday! You should be ready to get back to business after facing yesterday’s day long obstructions as the Moon remained Void of Course Moon! Today, your challenges should disappear as the lunar energy is more direct. The Moon enters the laid back sign of Pisces, and you can be encouraged to handle your affairs with calmness and diplomacy! This is the perfect day to listen to your intuition! Your ability to perceive things you haven’t been aware of before is strong! Don’t allow others to annoy you! You might find yourself in the mood to be more with yourself than with others. If any irritating person rubs you the wrong way, wish them well and give them space. If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aquarius who is curious and progressive. Sunday is your best day. Best signs for the day are Cancer and Pisces.

Aries: Keep the peace today! Avoid taking anything too seriously! Things that are so urgently important today may not be that way tomorrow! It’s a good idea to maintain your balance by keeping everything which occurs in proper perspective, no matter what happens! Don’t allow anything to rattle you! Take every thing in stride today! *

Taurus: No matter how hard to try to stay away from certain problems, they still seem to follow you! This can be one of those days where situations come! Think twice before helping someone through a dilemma. You just might end up getting more involved than you expected. Stay away from any nonsense which doesn’t belong to you!

Gemini: The retrograde remains you to keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself today! The retrograde will be over by Monday and you can have an open dialogue with anyone you want, but until then even if asked, refrain from speaking truthfully! What you say today will follow you for a long time! Some people can’t handle the truth!

Cancer: Make up your mind to get rid of anything which is standing in your way of growth, out of the way! This is a good day to make up your mind to do something which will benefit you in a long time to come. Short term answers, bring short term solutions! Focus on eliminating bad habits, bad relationships or bad alliances. Anything which drains your energy should be eliminated! *

Leo: You have a tendency to let too many people in your life at a time! Today is the perfect day to edit your embracing spirit and only interact with those you feel the closest with. Your Inner peace is important today! You give some much out and get so much less back from others in return! Be a good friend to yourself today, by putting yourself first for a change!

Virgo: Stay on guard for the negative forces trying to take over your hearing today! Someone will come with information that will cause you visit the ‘dark side!’ Be strong in your spirit and don’t let any destructive information in! Not only will it affect your state of mind, but you can say some things you might be sorry for later! If a person is not telling you something positive, stay away from them today!

Libra: Not all information is good information! Without getting too wrapped up in everything you hear, it’s a good idea to take all advice with a grain of salt today! Someone offers you their opinion, but be careful, because they have a hidden motive for doing so! If things don’t feel right, don’t go along with them! Watch anyone doing you any favors today!

Scorpio: Some people don’t like it when you defend yourself! There are those around you who are annoyed that you have a good sense of your inner strength. Knowing who you are and what you want causes your enemies lots of concern today! Someone who has a hidden issue wants to keep you off balanced and upset! Keep your cool no matter what comes your way today!

Sagittarius: Your feelings can be a bit sensitive today! Try to stay away from your out spoken friends! Your self esteem can be affected, because you’re not feeling so sure of a few things which are currently going on in your life. Now is the time to get encouragement! Find your positive buddies and keep them close! Only uplifting words will do today!

Capricorn: Don’t be so possessive with the person you love! Give everyone some room to grow and find their own way! People do things in their own time and their own way! Pushing them to do something you want them to do will lead to frustration and resentment. Support them in their own process as you watch them with a loving heart!

Aquarius: Free yourself from your boring friends today! Your spirit thirsts for excitement and finding a new group of people to exchange information with will add so much to your social awareness! Listening to the same stories with the same points of view is causing you brain freeze! Look for someone who has something interesting to say!

Pisces: Keep the lines of communication as open as possible today! This not a good time to second guess anyone. If you don’t understand what someone is saying, speak up and ask a question! It is important that you have clarity in all that you do! Leave nothing to chance! Be up front and ask the inquiries you need answers to!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday, Jan., 27, 2009

contact Astrologer Kim Allen for readings at 718-443-3202

“...Be anxious for nothing.”Philippians 4:4-7

Yes, ‘peoples, I am not quite back! I have been double teamed by the Mercury Retrograde and the solar eclipse! And, my site is down because of a nasty virus. Not only did my site go down, but my computer tried to crash. As a Virgo, I immediately thought about the ‘big bad planet’ Saturn currently in my life and had a good laugh after several tears of frustration passed! There are just some things you can’t avoid, not even a psychic! But, I did the next best thing to making myself feel better! A ate a whole box apple turnovers and enjoyed every crumb while I attempted to clean my files and reboot my computer! ( You know, I’m supposed to be on a diet!) As the scripture says . . . ”Be anxious for nothing.” So, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade or at least eat apple turnovers! Take that Saturn! Hopefully the site will be up soon! Forever Yours, Kim Allen

Astro Reading for Tuesday, Jan 27, 2009

Happy terrific Tuesday! A day long Void of Course Moon makes getting anything done, close to impossible! When the Moon lacks vitality it is often in a Void of Course period. Today, this cycle lasts from 11:12 p.m. until 1:11 a.m. EST, tomorrow morning, so try not to be annoyed if you keep running into brick walls. Don’t be a martyr by being determined to get situations off the ground. Instead of working against the energetic flow, use it this day to your advantage, by taking a second look at any projects you’re presently working on. There might be a few things you may want to change! The Universe gives you a second chance to make things right! The Mercury retrograde ends on Sunday (yes Lord!),so any problems you’re presently having should be resolving themselves soon! If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aquarius who is gifted and enthusiastic. Saturday is your best day. The Moon is in the sign of Aquarius and best signs for the day are Gemini and Aquarius.

Aries: Try to be as organized as you can today! The last thing you need is for everything you’ve been working hard on to do to become unraveled. The planets suggest that a more hands on approach should be used in any critical situations. You can lose control of things unless you’re on top of your situation! Keep an eye on your details. The little things make a difference!

Taurus: Keep away from anyone attempting to share secrets with you today! Keeping things private can be hard for you! Giving the other person advice might include you getting advice on the matter from others. This whole thing can be a major mess! If you feel as though keeping a secret is hard, avoid being anyone’s confidant today! Let them figure things out for themselves!

Gemini: Limit the attention you give to others today! The planets encourage you to use your energy to organize your situations and give your issues 100% of your time! Someone might need a favor, and its find to give them advice, but if you have to go out of your way and use your physical energy, think twice about it! People can take advantage of your big heart and your giving spirit! Know your limits.

Cancer: Be mindful of any conversations you have with authority figures today! A serious discussion with your boss can create more problems than anticipated. Any issues you’re having should wait for next week when the planets clear up! Anything said today will be held against. You might mean one thing, but others will take your intentions to mean something else! You couldn’t pick a worse day for an important conversation! Restrain yourself!

Leo: Be kind to yourself today! Allow yourself room for mistakes. Your need for perfection is unrealistic, because no one can be perfect all the time. The planets allow you to see those things which need adjustment, so take everything in stride. Maintain a healthy sense of humor regardless of what things may be revealed today. The less judgmental you are the better! Change requires courage!

Virgo: Allow no one to take you for granted today! If you happen to be surrounded by ungrateful and inconsiderate people, hold your own! Refused to be pushed aside as though you don’t count or made to feel as though you don’t matter. The retrograde is loosening your tongue! It’s important to let others know that you feel good about yourself and that they must respect you as well!

Libra: Romance can get very complicated today! The planets have you rethinking the decisions you’ve made regarding your feelings for a certain person. You just might be in the process of changing your mind about them now. The retrograde is the perfect time to reconsider anything you’ve done in the past! Life is too short to share with the wrong person. The right partner is critical for your heart. Take all the thinking time you need!

Scorpio: The retrograde is causing you to pay closer attention to work matters! If you’re employed, you may have noticed that the communication issues between you and those you work with are innumerable! This is not a good day to approach anyone with major problems. They won’t be able to give you the feed back you need anyway! Trust your own instincts in anything you do to improve your work conditions. There are some things that others can’t help you with!

Sagittarius: Having a cash reserve is important! This is the time to hold on tight to your money no matter what situation comes your way! Responding to an emergency where you have to spend money is one thing, but needing to spend because you see something on sale is another! There is no excuse for squandering your money right now! Financial responsibility is a must! Try to rise to the occasion of having strong cash flow.

Capricorn: Take a mini vacation from the problems of your loved ones today! If you feel weighted down from their issues, this is the day to have ‘a time out!’ No one really knows how much stress you can take unless you let them know. Consider giving anyone who has issues some personal space. Give everyone an opportunity to find their own solutions!

Aquarius: Letting others know where you stand on certain issues is very important today! Someone, especially on the job is attempting to diminish your credibility. Keep the lines of communication open and avoid shutting down when faced with problems. The more vocal you are the better! They’ll soon realize that you will be someone to deal with and someone who has a strong opinion whether they like it or not!

Pisces: Everyone around you knows how creative you are! Just because you don’t openly express it, doesn’t mean that people can’t see it! This is a good day to allow your creativity to flow freely in all that you do today! You may discover that things work better for you! A part of your personality is able to reveal itself and you’ll see just how healthy that expression really is!

Astrologer Kim AllenKimallen.com718-443-3202