“If God sends us on strong paths, we are provided strong shoes.”
Corrie Tenboom
Spiritual Affirmation for the Weekend:
“Positive energy swirls around me and connects me to only positive people today!”
(What is an affirmation? An affirmation is a statement you make to energetically change your circumstances. It is a declaration that something is true or it is a wish stated as if something is already true.)
Astro Weekend
Friday, Jan., 30 thru Sunday, Feb., 1, 2009
Happy wonderful weekend! Ready to exhale? With all the atmospheric turmoil that has been happening this week, it’s a good guess that you’re more than happy to have a few days off to stop holding your breath. This past week was full of unsettling energy as the solar eclipse joined forces with the retrograde to cause even more confusing or revealing situations! Expect things to slowly quiet down as the Mercury retrograde ends on Sunday and your communication and decision to start normalizing. On Friday, you’ll be able to get plenty done after the Void of Course Moon, (lacking energy) ends at 10:52 a.m. EST. You can have a run in with someone at work regarding how certain things are supposed to be done. Try not to allow anyone to ruin the start of your weekend with their control issues! The stimulating Aries Moon lasts thru Saturday and Sunday to give you a burst of extra momentum! You’ll be all over the place getting things done with energy to spare! Avoid any major purchases this weekend! Don’t get overly excited about a deal and forget that the retrograde doesn’t end until Sunday. You’ll probably change your mind about anything you’ve purchased before too long!
.If Friday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aquarius who is persuasive and tactful. Thursday is your best day.
If Saturday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aquarius who is outspoken and creative. Sunday is your best day.
If Sunday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aquarius who is appealing and original Sunday is your best day.
Aries: With the Sun in your sign this weekend! You’ll be feeling on top of things! The sluggishness you’ve been experiencing will leave you and you’ll be inspired to try something new and different! You could use some new associates. Let this be a weekend where you contact and meet new people. Some of your old friends might feel a bit neglected when they discover that you’re in the company of others. Seek energetic conversations this weekend!
Taurus: No more excuses with your money! You’re well aware of how much money you have available to do certain things and going over your budget these days, is no excuse! If frivolous spending has become a favorite past time in your recent history, this is the weekend to change some old habits! Self improvement will improve your finances. Feeling good about yourself will keep you from trying to fill ‘emotional voids’ with things! Find a more fulfilling hobby this weekend!
Gemini: Prepare yourself for a weekend of unexpected occurrences. Yes, the retrograde is coming to an end, but for you, my dear Gemini, things can get worse before they get better! Avoid taking any chances by keeping company with any high maintenance people and seek a low profile this weekend! Highly irritating people find their way in your circle and the wrong things said can create the worse feelings!
Cancer: Keep your sensitivities under check over the next few days! The planets cause you to be rubbed in the wrong ways unless you’re aware of the energies you’re being handed this weekend! People at home and family members can be an enormous source of aggravation! They don’t see your needs, only their own personal issues and could care less what you’re feeling. Refrain from giving everyone a piece of your mind. They wouldn’t know what to do with it anyway! Keep the peace this weekend!
Leo: This is the weekend to be careful Leo! The effects of your charisma are showing up all over the place. You’ll find that the most unexpected person starts flirting with you which may bring a smile to your face, but irritation the person you’re with this weekend! If you find yourself without company, this can be a very rewarding time! You’ll notice that no one is shy when it comes to getting your attention. Your ego can be enormously stroked over the weekend, and why not?
Virgo: Your ‘care giving’ ways will be called upon this weekend! Someone you love has received some bad news or has been given some bad luck when it comes to a certain matter and you’re the only person who can ‘talk them off the ledge!’ Be prepared to show someone in emotional distress a little tender loving care this weekend. With the way things are going, just be glad it’s not you! Remember, that ‘therefore but for the grace of God . . . ”
Libra: Looks can be deceiving! A person you showed no interested of before, suddenly starts looking more appealing to you! Your love energy is being shifted into a higher gear by passion planet Mars. Don’t do anything you might regret later. Take your time in establishing contact with this person. Things which look good to you, might not be good for you! Of course, this is the last thing you’ll want to hear this weekend!
Scorpio: ‘Pretty is, as pretty does!’ This is the weekend to work on your weaknesses. No one is perfect and if you know where your weak points are, you might consider giving them some extra attention this weekend! A pretty face with an empty personality will get you nowhere! Cultivate some habits which will make you a more interesting person. More people like substance than anything else!
Sagittarius: Flattery will get you everywhere this weekend! There is a person you like who seems to be a bit insecure and shy! If you want to get closer and let know about your intentions for love, try giving a compliment or two! Not only will this break the ice, but it might give the confidence they need to move forward! Let’s not forget that you get more with using honey than vinegar!
Capricorn: This can be a very productive weekend for you! The planets give you the incentive you need to get your home in order or take care of some matter which has been hanging around forever! You embrace the last few energetic ‘drops’ of the retrograde and take care of some unfinished business. You might not be the fastest person in the world, but you sure are the most thorough! You get brownie points for your actions this weekend!
Aquarius: Just in case you were planning to have a nice quiet weekend, forget it! Some of your noisiest friends and loved ones are considering looking you up! They need to have your presence in a gathering they’re planning to have. What good is a party without your face? Not answering your phone or door won’t keep them away from you! You have clever friends and they have ways of locating you! Get ready to have a good time this weekend!
Pisces: You might consider staying close to home to nurse a few of your wounds! Some encounter with a coworker last week has left you emotionally bruised and battered! You just have to learn better tactics of getting back at your work week torturers! Call your most insulting friends this weekend and ask for a few tips! This is the weekend to brush up on workplace warfare! Let them reap what they have sown!