“In God I trust…”
Psalm 56:11
Affirmation for the Day
“My life is a journey and not a destination.
I will have faith to face every situation bravely.”
Astro Reading for Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Happy wonderful Wednesday! Prepare yourself for all kinds of unexpected and surprising information to be released in the atmosphere over the next 48 hours! The power or revelation is everywhere and if you have a secret, it too can be revealed in the present cosmic environment! Things done in the dark are beginning to come to light as the energy of the full Moon, (tomorrow) casts a very strong vibration today and tomorrow. A brilliant Libra Moon encourages truths and disclosures in relationships and partnerships. If there something you need to know, take a harder look for, because the chances of you finding them are great! But of course, there is a warning to be careful of what you ask for…you will have to live with it once it is discovered! Now is the time to seek balance in all that you do. All inequities will be shown for what they truly are. If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aries who is intensively compassionate and responsible. Saturday is your best day. Best signs for the day are Gemini and Libra.