Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Zen-like attitude will be needed to successfully make it thru the Mercury retrograde!

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left,
you will hear a voice saying, “This is the road! Now follow it.”

Isaiah 30:21
Affirmation for the Day

“I trust my inner voice. My God given gift of intuition allows
me make right decisions and take right actions.”

Astro Reading for Thursday, May 07, 2009

Happy tremendous Thursday! What did you say? Oh, that’s right it’s the Mercury retrograde and you should be aware that challenges in every avenue of communications, and that includes having clear conversations awaits you! From today and lasting until the 30th everything you say and every action you take will be questioned, scrutinized, analyzed or totally misunderstood! Keeping your conversations, short and to the point is highly advisable! During this Mercury retrograde, launching any new projects should be avoided, because they will suffer from a lack of understanding, those involved will change their minds or will have problems with decision making. Spare yourself the headaches and use this ‘down time’ to rework your projects, rethink your steps or change your direction. Stock up on tea bags! The planet Mercury is in the high energy sign of Gemini and the retrograde will affect your nerves, your ability to think clearly and your sleeping patterns. Giving caffeine a break for few weeks is a good idea. The less stress you have on your nervous system, the better! Technical problems can also make the retrograde even more difficult! Keep a careful eye on your computer, cell phone or car for mishaps. The retrograde is stressful and you’ll discover all weak points in your everyday devices! To add insult to injury, today the Moon is Void of Course, (lacks energy) until 12:48 p.m. EDT and this means that you run into major stumbling blocks during the morning hours. This is one of those days where if anything can do wrong, it will go wrong, so brace yourself and maintained a Zen-like state of mind! The energy of the upcoming full Moon is also building into the atmosphere! If you’re a talkative person, you can feel held hostage by the today’s cosmic energy! Keep a low profile; keep your mouth closed, your ears open and your mind alert! You’ll need all of your senses working at maximum capacity! If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are a Taurus who is deeply sensitive and compassionate. Monday is your best day! Best signs for the day are Cancer and Scorpio.