Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This is a day for spiritual transformation!

“Commit thy works unto the Lord, and
thy thoughts shall be established.”

Proverbs 16:3

Affirmation for the Day

“Seeking purpose brings fulfillment. I open my heart to purposeful matters.”

Astro Reading for Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy wonderful Wednesday! This is a serious time for transformation as the heavens busy themselves with celestial movement! If there are any tough, persistent or unyielding problems in your life, today is the day to deal with them! Facing your challenges will be a constant theme over the next 24 hours. Someone makes accusations that are not true and you’re forced to stand up for yourself, a person who is comfortable speaking to you in a demeaning manner will have to be put in their place, a stubborn issue with a loved one keeps resurfacing and ending the controversy will be required of you today. The possibilities of adjustment are endless as you face situations that have existed for a long time and now must be resolved for your inner peace! Some things are easier to get rid of than others! There are some people who count on your weakness to make them feel more superior. These will be the issues that will take more determination to get rid them in spite of what appears on the surface! Being forceful regarding certain matters will be necessary today to get to the root of matters! A Mars/Pluto connection suggests that only with total willpower will you overcome strong oppositions as you hold on tight to your principles! To add more injury to insult, the Moon goes Void of Course after 2:34 p.m. EDT, lasting until 11:16 p.m. This can put a halt to any project you’re trying to move forward on. Consider this is a ‘clean up’ day, meaning that any old situations, issues, problems and projects should be attended to and put to rest! There is one bright note in this day and that is love planet Venus entering the charismatic sign of Leo. The vibration of romance takes on a more charming energy! Complimenting the person you love will make a positive impression. The Moon remaining in the psychic sign of Scorpio heightens your 6th sense. Be more aware of intuitive messages today! If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are a Virgo who is inspiring, supportive and resourceful. Saturday is your best day. Best signs for the day are Libra and Sagittarius.