“Then the angel of God said unto me: Jacob: and I said, Here I am.”
Genesis 31:11
Affirmation for the Weekend
“Prayer opens me to Divine possibilities. I give thanks to God for the good that is unfolding in my life.”
Listen to Kim Allen…
On Thursdays at Power 99.FM in Philadelphia, PA on the Miss Jones in the Morning Show (www.power99.com) and on Fridays on Movin’ 99.5 FM in Phoenix, AZ on the Lucas and Nina Morning Show.
Astro Weekend
Reading for Friday, Oct. 16 thru Sunday, Oct. 18, 2009
Happy wonderful weekend! There are so many things happening around you on Friday that you’ll be forced to find a quiet place to hide as someone from your past will be looking to make contact. Unresolved issues attempt to catch up with you, and unless you’re ready to go over old business, try to keep a low profile and stay out of the way of old lovers. The new Moon being, two days away suggests the completion of any unfinished business. Prepare for a change of direction over the weekend. With energy planet Mars entering the sign of Leo on Friday, you’ll be encouraged you to use your creativity in more positive and constructive ways, romance can be a desired choice. On Saturday, vibrations for the upcoming new Moon in the sign of Libra are strong, and stress the need for balance in your partnership. If you have a problem with showing your affection to the person you’re with, your attitude will certainly change by this evening! Expect a major turnaround in romance. On Sunday, the new Moon finally arrives and brings with it a curiosity about your relationship. Questions you never dared to ask before, come to the surface and makes it very difficult for you not want to get to the bottom of a few of your love issues. An early morning Void of Course Moon causes conflict in your schedule. If you’re going to church or going to brunch, get an early start. Your arrival can be delayed. The most interesting conversations will take place on Sunday. Be prepared to bare your soul to the one you love. They won’t take anything less than the truth!
If Friday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are a Scorpio who is intelligent with a sharp mind. Monday is your best day.
If Saturday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are a Scorpio who is adventurous and courageous. Saturday is your best day.
If Sunday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are a Scorpio who is dignified and inspirational. Tuesday is your best day.