Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy terrific Tuesday and happy full Moon!

“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Proverbs 15:1

Affirmation for the Day

“My words have energy. I will create positive situations
with all that I say, today and every day.”

Astro Reading for Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy terrific Tuesday! If you get the urge to organize, analyze or try your hand at becoming more efficient, don’t worry! It’s just your energy tapping into the vibration of the Virgo full Moon. Productivity feels good today! The idea of ‘waste not, want not,’ brings an inner sense of comfort when the Moon is in this earth sign. You’ll feel like you should get something done, and you probably will! Of course, a full lunar cycle always brings out hidden tid bits of information. And, being that Virgo is ruled by the communication-planet Mercury, you’ll hear some things that’ll have you gasping for air! For you information thrill seekers, you’ll have very interesting high points today. Things tend to fall in your lap. So, keep your ears opened! This is a positive day to watch your health issues. Change your diet, plan to get more exercise and stay away from the nay sayers on your job! Switch all negatives to positives! If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are a Pisces who is a highly driven and energetic individual. Sunday is your best day. Best signs for the day are Virgo and Capricorn.