Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Happy full Moon lunar eclipse!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight."

Proverbs 3:5

Affirmation for the Day

“I accept new joys that await me. I allow my progress
to continue by letting go of my old worries.”

Astro Reading for Wednesday August 5, 2009

Happy wonderful Wednesday! Today’s full Moon lunar eclipse gives you the incentive of letting go of the past! If you’ve had issues with moving forward because of unresolved issues or releasing yourself from the prison of out worn relationships and situations, the energy of the Moon will assist you! Today’s cosmic vibration inspires you to better yourself and not be held back from obtaining your highest good by fears or regrets. Now is the time to accept the presence condition of your life and reach for something more worthwhile! Forgiveness is a major issue today. In order to move forward, it may be necessary to forgive someone who has hurt you or even to forgive yourself for making certain decisions. Today’s Universal energy embraces healing. Full Moons are often accompanied by some sort of message. Revelation is a spiritual component of full Moons. Be prepared to hear or see something which has been hidden from you in the past, but will now be uncovered. It’s God’s way of blessing you with inner sight and stronger intuition. If you’ve been feeling cut off from bonding with others, the Moon in the ‘community oriented’ sign of Aquarius will serve you well. You’ll appreciate the need for greater teamwork and group efforts. Align yourself with people who have the similar motivations as yourself. There is strength in numbers. Stay away from the stores or doing any online shopping today! You can spend ‘without a cause!’ An extravagant connection between the Moon and Jupiter can ‘free’ your credit cards. Do yourself a favor and leave all ‘instruments of spending’ at home. ‘Emotional buying’ will do you harm! If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are a Leo who is optimistic and determined. Thursday is your best day. Best signs for the day are Libra and Aquarius.

Today’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and You!

Aries: This is the day to take a long hard look at the associates you presently have in your life. Something might be awry with certain friends. You may have out grown them or notice that you and these people have very little in common. This is the day to make peace with those you have been affiliated with in the past and seek associations with people who are growing on the same path you’re growing. Who you know is important to your future direction. Remember the old saying that ‘affiliation breeds assimilation.’ Who you socialize with at this time can have a strong impact on reaching your goals for the future.

Taurus: Some lessons are harder to learn than others, and for you Taurus being open to your career aspirations can be tough! Just because you’ve done a certain thing time after time again doesn’t mean that it’s the best thing for you! Allow the energy of the Moon to loosen your grip on your present career direction as you dream and aspire for something brand new! Don’t think of change as a defeat. Consider it as a challenge to secure a higher level of happiness. Be brave Taurus, you’ll have to risk something to gain something better!

Gemini: Those who think they know you really don’t know you well! Your mind is growing at an accelerated rate, and you often find yourself not being able to convey your thoughts because you feel that they won’t understand! Gemini, you need more brilliant people to interact with. The full Moon lunar eclipse brings an issue of communication to the forefront and allows you to realize that you’re holding yourself back with the people you share your thoughts and feelings with. Feed your mind and your spirit with like-minded people! If you can’t think, you can’t grow!

Cancer: A healthy bank account doesn’t define you, but what you do with it reveals your desires! Today’s full Moon encourages you to get a grip on your spending and financial management. Money might be a touchy subject for you these days, but the moment is right for you to face your weaknesses and rid them from your life! Create a new script for your finances. If you’ve abused the power of your resources, this is the day to turn it around! Money is another form of energy. Ask yourself, ‘do you control it, or does it control you?’

Leo: Any relationship which has become burdensome will be liberated from your life today. Your need for emotional wellness is essential at this time. The guilt feelings you’ve had for making certain tough decisions leaves you and you’re able to do what is best for your heart. Finding the right person is important. You’ll find ways to create a positive union with someone who appreciates you. Love is the energy which now motives you today!

Virgo: That uneasy feeling you get every time you think of work is there for a good reason. Apparently you’ve been able to rationalize why certain situations exist regarding your work situation as you find an excuse to co-exist with them. The full Moon calls your attention to something which won’t go away. Your days of ‘putting’ up with certain aggravations end as you’re given a ‘bird’s eye view’ during the lunar eclipse. Today your analytical mind won’t be able to store it away or make peace with it! Action and adjustment is forth coming!

Libra: You’re able to release your inhabitations and be more spontaneous today! Making sure that you understand consequences has always been a very attractive aspect of your personality, but the full Moon allows you embrace your intuition and flow with it! You’re now able to take chances and not worry whether you’ve made the right choice. Listen to your inner voice and your higher mind. Your ‘spiritual safety net’ will save you from troublesome decisions. Learning to trust is your theme for the full Moon.

Scorpio: The ‘butterfly’ in you is seeking freedom! You’re itching to leave your cocoon and expand your horizons today! Your home base is the first area of liberation regarding getting what you want and being with the people you desire to be with. An improved home situation and more quality relationships with those you live with and those you live around are critical during this full Moon lunar eclipse. Expect some resistance from those who ‘profit’ from your captive or static state. You’ll be able to see their motives for holding you back clearly today.

Sagittarius: You speak your mind today and you don’t care who doesn’t like it! You’ve been feeling very ‘suspended in air’ these days and expressing yourself helps to release the pressure you’ve been feeling in your spirit. Your voice is strong and you have no problem communicating with those who need a better understanding of your feelings. Your thoughts flow, your mind grows, this is a good day to make contact with those around you! Rid your inhibitions and meet new people. The full Moon brings interesting conversations.
Capricorn: Money doesn’t make the person, but it sure does give you a certain level of comfort! Having enough resources to keep yourself afloat is very important to you Capricorn, as you’re known as the ‘money making’ sign! A common sense idea comes to you with today’s full Moon lunar eclipse. Pay attention and don’t disregard any mental suggestions which may pop up. Financial challenges need a different course of action. Be open to any new and constructive thoughts today!
Aquarius: Today marks a sort of spiritual midpoint in your year of abundance! The full Moon lunar eclipse gives you a chance to reevaluate what you’ve been doing since Jupiter the planet of good fortune entered your sign last fall. You have an opportunity to recalculate your direction and fine tune your decisions. The lunar eclipse serves to straighten your path for progress. It’s critical at you be honest with your desires. The Universe can only give you what you want. Clarity in purpose is now required!

Pisces: The true nature of some people who you thought were your friends will be revealed today. The full Moon lunar eclipse brings discovery of your enemies. They will be caught in the act of doing something ‘dirty and underhanded.’ Once you see who is for you and who is against you will allow you to clean your life of saboteurs and back stabbers. Your prayers for protection are stronger today. Your petition to God will be clearer. There is a higher purpose for everything happening today. Don’t run from the truth; use it to empower you!