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at 718-443-3202)
Aries: The Universe has placed the ‘seeds’ of independence in your ‘being’ this month! With Jupiter the planet of expansion now visiting your Sun sign you find it easier to let go of the past and look for new situations that are in agreement with your current direction. Being that you are a person who is lead by your ‘head’ and not by your ‘heart’ you’ve learned from previous mistakes that it is important that you double check and analysis the direction in which you’re moving. Mars, your ruler in cosmic agreement with the Sun on the 4th encourages you to follow a spiritual path. The Sun brings enlightenment and Mars brings energy! You’ll have all the energy you need to plan for a new venture during the early portion of this month! You can have a ‘gunho’ attitude about your career after the 6th. A Mars/Saturn connection inspires you to get serious about making progress in your work and find a goal worth moving towards. Although the planet Saturn is now retrograde, this is an ideal time to go back and finish some unfinished business concerning your career situation. If there was some project you had started a few months ago and didn’t complete, this is the perfect time to regain your momentum and go back to finish it! Attraction-planet Venus in your career sector adds the ‘magic’ touch to your work conditions. Creating a better relationship with supervisors and coworkers are now possible. If you’ve been at odds with a certain person on the job, the ‘spiritual environment’ will allow the two of you to become more respectful of each other and the positions you hold. Venus always opens the doors to make better money, so use your ‘spiritual eyes’ to see if there is a way to create a financial opportunity on your job after the 4th. You might not be so much in the mood for a committed love situation this month! Restriction planet Saturn in your house of relationship causes you to rethink matters regarding partnership and the full Moon on the 18th turns your attention to a newly developing situation in romance….you can be too busy trying to figure things out! But, the choices you have in love don’t stop just because you can pick a direction. The new Moon on the 2nd, followed by communication-planet Mercury on the 3rd brings new people in your life to socialize with. If you have a partner and the two of you are having issues, things can get worse because they will feel that your energy is being divided between them and entertaining your new associates. Your hands can be full with ‘relationship dramas’ this month! Regardless of what pressure you’re under with loved ones, you will be compelled to take time out for yourself to be more involved with meditation and prayer. A Mars/Neptune connection on the 20th increases your desire for a deeper spiritual understanding of your actions. Valentine’s Day would be more successful if you ask your partner what they would like to do! Your creativity in love needs some help, so ask for it to ensure a successful day!
Taurus: You have no intentions of letting anything get past you this month that adversely affects your career goals! The month starts with the new Moon entering your career sector on the 4th, encouraging a shift in your focus to matters that are innately important to you, such as security in work and security in your finances! Getting your monetary worth and making gains in your career will be where most of your energy after the new Moon is directed with the assistance of momentum-planet Mars. You will be open to hearing new ideas and gathering different information on how to improve your situation once Venus your ruler contacts imagination planet Neptune after the 2nd. Power planet Pluto stirs up deep needs to guide your career path after the 9th. The idea of someone you work with or work for not appreciating your work causes you great concern! And not being allowed to get the rewards you’ve earned makes you more determined to get what you want this month! Being placed in a position where you have more control is what you aim for! Actions from family members around the full Moon on the 4th threaten to ‘blind side’ your career concentration for a short while. Someone you love will yearn for more of your attention and can create situations to redirect your attention in ‘over the top ways,’ or by being demanding. Neither one of these ploys will work well with you…obviously they don’t know just how determined you can be! The truth is, once you get your mind focused on a certain matter, you are stuck there until you have an exact understanding of what is going on. The issues of family members might have to wait until you’ve resolved a few career matters whether they like it or not! In addition to a loved one seeking more of your attention, you can have dear friends constantly inviting you out and wanting you to be here or there with them after the 18th. Your friendship sector comes alive once the Sun adds energy to your social life. You can be bombarded by messages, phone calls, tweets and emails by your buddies who are looking for you! Unfinished romance situations can resurface this month! An old love from the past calls you or manures a way to run into you after the 18th. Some people never get enough of drama! Try to stay away from anyone who is always looking for ways to make you feel guilty that you’ve moved on with your affection this month! In the mean time, abundance planet Jupiter continues to quietly work in your favor by creating all sorts of new opportunities to discover your hidden talents and abilities. Don’t be afraid to try something new this month! Your Valentine’s Day is filled with wonderful conversations over dinner with someone you love!
Gemini: This is a good month to reprogram your mind! With the new Moon energizing your mental sector on the 2nd and Mercury your ruler making a ‘smart’ alignment with expansion planet Jupiter on the 5th you are more than likely to be in the mood to register for a class, seminar, or even do some self study on some subject which is of interest to you! If you opt for attending a seminar chances are you won’t be doing it alone! Abundant planet Jupiter in your friendship sector keeps lots of people around you this month and if you don’t have a buddy who wants to join you in your mental pursuit, you will meet new friends once you take the class! With Jupiter by your side you seem to never to be alone! But having company is fine for you right now! Your relationship sector is strong and positive and so is your communication sector. Get used to having people ‘crawling all over you!’ The full Moon on the 8th brings interesting information your way! (And you know you love hearing juicy news!) Unexpected and surprising discussions keep you on your toes regarding a friend and a close associate! You keep hearing yourself say…’who would have ever known?’ But guess what….now you do know! Money issues can be a little painful! Apparently you haven’t been watching your budget or just didn’t give a heck about how much you were spending because you had to have a certain item. Well the consequences of your financial decisions are beginning to catch up with you as money planet Venus enters your financial sector on the 4th. At this time it’s not about attracting money, it’s about making better use of your money! Valentine’s Day can find you in a wonderful mood! Even if you’re not able to spend the money you would like on that special someone, you will make it a point of going out of your way to make them feel appreciated and loved! You find yourself in a dilemma about certain matters concerning your career after the 18th. If you’ve been feeling that not much has been happening in your favor regarding your work, the Sun entering your career sector on the 18th can change your mind as some good news comes your way, or a new piece of information arrives that can alter the way you think about what you do! A ‘hook up’ between ruler Mercury and momentum planet Mars will get your ‘engine’ moving once again regarding your work conditions! Power conversations can be had with your supervisor that just might encourage you to move forward to get something better!
Cancer: What you do with your money counts! Your Zodiac image is that of the ‘Crab.’ The ‘Crab’ is an interesting creature known for its tenacity, and holding on to your money can be an issue at this time, so let’s embrace an positive aspect of the ‘Crab’ such as its power of determination, namely, once it gets something in its ‘claws’ it holds on to it! So, if you’re having trouble with holding on to your money, visualize in your mind’s eye an image of a crab with dollar bills being held tightly in its ‘grippers’ as an image for your spiritual empowerment this month! The new Moon on the 2nd requires that you pay more attention to what is going on with your finances. This can be a good time to seek advice or look for different ways of managing your money as communication planet Mercury enters your financial sector on the 3rd. Being a water sign, you can get ‘emotional’ about your money and feel that you should be able to buy whatever you want, whenever you want it! But, you know that there are consequences for such actions. Treating yourself to special things from time to time is fine, but abusing your resources without a thought of your future security is another! It is important that you avoid spending your resources on insignificant things around the 4th. Neptune, the planet of delusion tries to entice you to buy without thinking, so do what you can to refrain from purchasing anything you don’t really need! If you continue using bad financial judgment, you will have a penalty to pay around the full Moon on the 18th. You can find yourself with a major cash flow problem, or discover that you’re in monetary ‘hot water!’ Find something more constructive to do with your time this month such as get in touch with more positive people and do more positive things! With 3 planets in your mental sector after the 18th, you won’t have any problems communicating, socializing or finding anyone to relate to. Romance is intense this month! The Moon, your ruler aligns with power planet Pluto and love planet Venus on Valentine’s Day which suggests that you won’t be playing any games when it comes to matters of the heart! A Venus/Pluto around the 9th sets the tone for romance for the rest of the month. It is either all or nothing when it comes to love! You will either go all out for that special someone or enjoy the quietness of having no one at all! Either extreme works for you at this time! Family squabbles can interfere with your equilibrium around the 20th. Do all you can to avoid a power struggle with someone you love!
Leo: You can spend a lot of energy attending to the affairs of others this month! The new Moon energizes your partnership sector on the 2nd and encourages you to find innovative ways to keep the love alive in your relationship. You can be very busy seeking more intense romantic experiences as the Sun connects with passion planet Mars on the 4th. You will now see whether or not you and that special someone still has ‘it’ for one another. The Sun brings enlightenment on your relationship matters and the planet Mars causes you to correct, improve or get rid of any situation standing in the way of you and real love! Got an old argument that just won’t go away? Is an ex still trying to cause confusion in your present partnership? A retrograde planet Saturn aids you to have conversations about unresolved past issues. If you or the person you love is still having resentment concerning some matter which threatens the ‘wholeness’ of your union, the planet Saturn brings focus on the issue and allows you to find the solution. Work and money issues might cause you ‘acid reflux’ this month! There are some problems which are tougher than others and your work and money issues fall into this category! Money planet Venus entering your work sector on the 4th sensitizes the way you view your earnings. If you’re doing the work of 3 people and only getting paid for one, you will suddenly realize that this situation will no longer do! On the 6th a harmonious connection between the Sun and discipline planet Saturn brings innovative ideas on how to approach this matter and after the 18th you will begin to ‘see the light!’ The Sun, planets Mars and Mercury all enter your financial sector from the 18th until the 22nd carrying with them all sort of blesses. The Sun brings the desire for knowledge and enlightenment, the planet Mercury brings the ability to speak with others and think for yourself, and the planet Mars brings the stamina and energy you will need to pull everything together for a positive solution. But spending some time alone around the full Moon on the 18th will be favorable. Determining your own path is essential. You will no longer seek or require the influence of others. You are more than ready to move on to the next step. Don’t forget that the expansion energy of Jupiter in your mental sector is just what you need to be adventurous and curious! This is not a bad month for love or money. You just have to make sure you are being pro-active in both areas! A Sun/Mercury alignment on the 25th helps you make things happen! Your Valentine’s Day would be more successful if you kept events very private between you and the one you love. A secluded dinner for two is all that it takes!
Virgo: The reason why nothing seems to come easy to you Virgo is that you probably wouldn’t accept it anyway! You’re so used to working, striving and pushing ahead in your life that when ‘easy’ situations arrive that you can become suspicious or leery about your ‘turn of fortune.’ And, this reluctance to accept favorable situations causes the energetic response of the Universe not to send them to you too often! So what do you do about this my hardworking friend? If something good comes your way this month, just say ‘yes and thank you God!’ as you open the door for more blesses to keep coming! The area of love can be where fortunate things happen to you! Romance planet Venus entering your romance sector on the 4th, aligns its energy with power planet Pluto and hidden situations in love surface or unknown facts about someone you’re in a relationship with appears. There is also the added chance that someone who has been admiring you for a long time finally lets you know their true feelings after the 5th. Yes, love is a big issue this month! With 3 planets in your partnership sector, you’ll be spending more time than usual with someone you love, trying to find someone to have a romance with or attempting to develop an understanding with a special someone after the 18th as the Sun enters activates the love area of your chart, followed by the planet Mercury on the 21 and the planet Mars on the 22nd. Conversations are enlightening during this time! The more you converse with your partner the more intimate details will be revealed. But there isn’t too much you won’t know about a certain matter as the full Moon brings news! What you discover about a person is truly serendipitous! There is no way certain pieces of information should come your way unless the Universe wants you to have it and use it for your best interest! The new Moon on the 2nd encourages you to find better ways of improving your work. On the 3rd conversations with coworkers create a closer bond between you and them. Your money seems to be up one minute then down the next! It doesn’t help that discipline planet Saturn now visiting your money sector is retrograde and Jupiter the planet of independence of expansion is visiting your financial sector. You can get mixed signals from these planets right now. It’s best to lend towards being conservative. Less is better and that means spending less money is better for your investment future! Your Valentine’s Day can be very lively! If intimacy just between you and your love is what you’re looking for, you can forget it! The chances of being in the public and enjoying this day of love in the midst of a crowd is more likely to happen. Your mate wants to show you off!
Libra: Not only will you get a chance to socialize a bit more this month, but you’ll probably enjoy it better! A retrograde Saturn in your Sun sign gives you a few months to ‘blow off steam,’ as the planet of discipline takes a few months off as well! You’ve been under intensive scrutiny with ‘do it right or suffer’ planet Saturn as your cosmic overseer for the next year! Having a period where you don’t feel as though a ‘dark cloud’ is hovering near is a relief! The new Moon on the 2nd acts as a ‘sign’ of things to come, especially regarding romance as it visits your romance sector and bring a new attitude concerning love and or maybe bring a new person in addition! But finding love can be the least of your problems while abundant planet Jupiter is in your partnership sector. You can receive phone calls or emails from past loves around the new Moon! Someone you once had romantic attachments with before wants a new chance at romance with you. Their phone call can catch you off guard, so prepare yourself from the unexpected! And don’t be surprised if you just happen to run into someone like this close to your home. This same person can be waiting to cross your path in any way possible. There will be lot things that you give a second and maybe a third thought to this month! Your friends and those people you socialize with will receive a careful evaluation around the full Moon on the 18th. People you haven’t heard from in a while can reappear at this time, and even if the reunions are happy ones, chances are that you’ll be so busy trying to keep things together at work that you won’t have time to hangout and socialize. Your employment needs your attention! With 3 planets in your employment sector after the 18th, it is easy to figure out that most of your time and energy can be required on the job! Don’t think of this as a negative…in fact with the Sun, Mercury and Mars all entering your work sector from the 18th until the 22nd, you can guest that things can get an upgrade, improved conditions or maybe even a promotion. Valentine’s Day can require that you do more or feel more for the person you’re with! If you have a Valentine, intensity and deep feelings rule your behavior for this day. You will do everything to make it a special occasion. If you’re loveless, refrain from retracing your steps into the past and getting in touch with an old love. The saying that ‘someone is better than no one,’ is a big mistake for you. Be true to your heart and if necessary spend some quality time alone if compromising your feelings might occur on Valentine’s Day!
Scorpio: You’ve spend so much time making sure that your career is on the right path that the Universe now wants you to turn your attention to your home and family situation this month. Concerns about loves ones take up a lot of your time, as the new Moon on the 2nd energizes your home sector encouraging you to come up with all sorts of different ideas to make your family life happier and your home more comfortable! Communication-planet Mercury affects your need to talk with those who are the closest to you after the 3rd. If there have been any misunderstandings with loved ones you’re now able to sit still to hear what their problems are so that a workable solution can be agreed upon for both parties. ‘Home is where the heart is,’ and for you Scorpio, your home is where your energy level will be needed to keep things going smoothly! If there is one thing you won’t be able to take this month is confusion where you live! A Venus/Pluto connection gives you the where- with- all to get to the bottom of any matter that may be disturbing your peace at this time! If you live with someone who is always involved in controversy around your home, you will work quickly to neutralize their actions. If you live in a place that is physically beneath your standards, you will come up with quick fix solutions to give you the comfortable level you require. Your physical body can also be in need of attention! It is that time of the year where you might feel a bit run down and in need of energy! If this is the case, this is the month to adjust your eating habits and make sure you’re getting the nutriments you require to increase your stamina. Junk food has to go! If your taste buds are still craving for the pies and sweets you digested over the holiday now is the time to get them in line and detoxify the sugary taste out of them! Remember that the spring is not that far away and you can get a jump start on getting your body ready for fitting into those tighter fitting clothes. Lots of things will be happening with your career this month! The full Moon on the 18th awakens you to something which is happening under your nose that you might not be so aware of on the job! The full Moon is the time to keep your eyes open and stay alert of those things occurring around you! With expansion planet Jupiter situated in your employment sector you can have a strong desire to do something more with your abilities or seek a higher level job! Romance ‘follows’ you everything this month! With 3 planets in your romance sector, there isn’t anything you can’t do that someone won’t think is cute or seductive! You can be bombarded with plenty of attention on Valentine’s Day! Admirers from the present and the past are looking to send you kisses on this day!
Sagittarius: Your mood is more upbeat and lively this month! The new Moon in your communication sector on the 2nd, followed by ‘informative’ planet Mercury on the 3rd sets the tone of what is to come for the entire month and that is lots of conversations and plenty of people to talk with! You have lots of bright ideas this month and you might discover that you have a great need to express them! Your creativity remains high as expansion planet Jupiter is nestled very comfortably in your creative sector for a great part of the year. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something different! This is the time of the year to explore, expand and express! With the right idea and the right amount of determination you can ‘luck up’ on an project that will bring you more money, especially since your financial sector is very receptive this month and looking for just the right situation to open the doors to better prosperity! Pay attention to your gut instincts on the 5th as the planet Mercury constructively aligns with abundance planet Jupiter. Try to keep a note book handy, interesting ideas will be sent your way! On the 18th, the full Moon allows you to meet some very inspiration people. This can be an ideal time to take a class on launching some idea you’ve been working on. But, in spite of the fact that you might feel as though better money is headed in your direction, don’t feel as though you have to the right to go out and spend what you don’t have yet! There is a warning about maintaining your budget! On the 6th an urge to splurge is created as planets Venus and Jupiter entice you to shop and spend! Stay realistic about your finances and avoid getting yourself into cash flow problems. Your physical home can need some TLC (tender loving care!) With all the sales going on this time of the year, if you feel the need to purchase some select items to upgrade your dwelling this would be an appropriate use of your money! Again allow your imagination and all the creativity you have pouring out of you to make your place comfortable and enjoyable! Love remains encouraging this month! On Valentine’s Day more will be asked of you from a loved one than you’re willing to give! Hopefully there won’t be any negative drama on this day of love, but some people will do anything to get attention!
Capricorn: This is not the time to allow the career gains you’ve made to slip thru your fingers! With discipline planet Saturn retrograde in your career sector, you might get the impression that you can take a few short cuts regarding your work or that it is not necessary to work so hard as before because things are beginning to show progress! Not so, Capricorn! In fact this is the time to remain true to your purpose and be consistent. Things pop up without warning and staying on top of your situations will keep you moving in a desirable direction! Your income shows a lot of promise this month! The new Moon on the 2nd inspires you to try other ways to increase your earnings. There is a very good chance that you can form an association, or forge a new partnership that will be very lucrative. If someone has a financial idea they want to share with you, be open to receive it. The full Moon on the 18th also brings promises of bringing improved finances. This is the time to get in control of your spending, saving and debt paying! If you’ve been less than enthusiastic about over seeing your finances, the full Moon will enlighten through some information from another person or thru some correspondence that the more attentive you are to your resources, the stronger they will grow! Romance is exciting this month! Attraction planet Venus entering your Sun sign of the 4th creates a magnetic energy which entices people to draw nearer. Expect to get lots of attention! A Venus/Pluto alignment on the 9th strongly suggests that your love life takes a more powerful direction. The chance of you meeting someone new is good or if you’re in a relationship, your partner wants to take love to a higher level! Make sure to keep your schedule handy! With 3 planets in your communication sector there will be lots of invitations from people you know to come and be included in some very fun events after the 18th. But do keep an eye on your diet! Expansive planet Jupiter can work on expanding your waist line without your knowledge! So resist eating the ‘fatty and tasty’ things! That piece of delicious cheese can be just the thing that causes you to gain a few extra pounds and with Venus in your Sun sign, you want to look as good as you can! Valentine’s Day increases your ability to have a deeper understanding with a loved one. A much needed conversation will set the record straight.
Aquarius: The better you look, the better you feel! Your image is important to you this month as the new Moon entering your Sun sign on the 2nd and assists you in improving the way you look. If you had the unfortunate luck of adding on a few pounds since the end of the year, now is the time to get motivated to take them off! Join a gym or form an exercise group with your also ‘pudgy’ friends to take the weight off together! Communication-planet Mercury encourages you to form partnerships with people of like minds, (or in your possible case, like bodies!) to put your energy together to succeed for a common cause! Your planets indicate that you’ll be happy that you’re paying more attention to the way you look because love is blooming and drawing near! On the 4th a Venus/Pluto contact can pull the covers off a hidden love affair. If you’ve been having a secret rendezvous or sending on the ‘down low’ emails and text messages to someone you love but want to keep to yourself… your secrets can be discovered. A nosey somebody can snoop and find you out! Be prepared to defend yourself or your actions! As the full Moon on the 18th will bring other hidden things out into the open! Once your love related actions are out, you will see if you feel as though you should go further in this situation or leave it alone? Abundant planet Jupiter visiting your communication sector will always encourage you to expand your possibilities and speak your mind. Don’t’ be afraid of what others say about you or what they think about you as well! What you think about yourself is the most important! Discipline planet Saturn presently in your mental sector gives you the mental strength you need to overcome any obstacle. So, instead of allowing someone to interfere in your happiness, redirect some of your energy into making money! With 3 planets in your money sector, you can find that money is drawn to you after the 18th. Funds that are due you finally arrive or people who owe you money decide out of the clear blue to pay you! After the 18th is also a fruitful time to look for a part time job to bring more money in or consider opening a part time business to attract new revenue. On Valentine’s Day things can get very ‘sticky’ between you and someone special. You might not be in the mood for outward displays of affection. Unless you’re ready to end your present love situation it is best to ‘grin and bear it!’ If someone goes all out to make you happy, at least try to enjoy it!
Pisces: How are your pockets feeling these days? With abundant planet Jupiter visiting your financial sector for most of the year, you should be getting inklings, signs and impressions of greater money headed in your direction. In addition to this wonderful thought is the also possibility of hidden resources becoming known to you as money planet Venus enters your sector of ‘hope, wishes and dreams.’ Do you hope for more money? (Of course you do…who doesn’t?) This is an abundant time for you as an constructive alignment between planets Venus and Pluto uncovers unexpected resources or encourages you to use unrealized talents to increase your financial future around the 9th! Exciting, huh? The full Moon on the 18th brings enlightenment and information about your work situation. The message can be that, ‘now is the time to seek a higher position,’ or that ‘now is the time to go for a new career path all together!’ Pay attention to the psychic feelings you receive around the full Moon! Because the light of the Moon brings needed awareness! You might have noticed that you’re getting better at handling your money. With discipline planet Saturn in your financial sector, you have no options but to learn and acquire the skills necessary to handle and use your money better! If you ignore the signs and lessons of bad money management you will and probably already had very negative run ins with your credit ratings with bill collectors and with just being tired of not having enough money to pay your bills on time! Your ‘season of manifestation’ is here! There is a time and season for all things and your cycle of creating what you need is now! You have more confidence this month! With 3 planets energizing your Sun sign after the 18th you feel good and radiate authority. The Sun entering your Sun on the 18th is followed by communication-planet Mercury on the 21st and joined by momentum planet Mars on the 22nd. You can be a real ball of energy, so there is nothing you feel is too big to tackle! If you’re looking for love this month, anticipate someone daring to appear after the 9th. And if you have a partnership, your mate will become more assertive in love! Your Valentine’s Day keep the spending to a minimum! If you’re treating someone to dinner, just know that you have the ability to lose control and go overbroad…(remember, those Saturn lessons about your money!) A wonderful dinner at home with might work better for your pockets and your plans for romance!