“All these things will be given to you.”
Matthew 6:33
Affirmation for the Weekend:
Divine substance overflows into my life.
(Call 718-443-3202 for a reading today!)
Astro Weekend
Astro Weekend
Reading for Friday, Feb. 4 thru Sunday Feb. 6, 2011
The overview for the weekend appears to be quiet with the exception of romance issues surfacing as love planet Venus shifts directions! On Friday, love-planet Venus entering the ‘business-minded’ sign of Capricorn can affect the quality of your relationship, and starting today and lasting for the next few weeks you can cast a ‘realistic eye’ toward the person you love to determined if they are worth your energy or if this ‘romantic situation’ is worth your time! It is interesting to note that Valentine’s Day is not too far away and the quality of your partnership is now being investigated! This is the weekend where you can choose a new path for love! Your work day will be influenced by the Moon entering the laid back sign of Pisces which gives you a strong clue that ‘taking it easy’ is highly suggested! The planetary forces create the vibrations of having a quiet weekend, but don’t worry, before you leave your work, a Sun/Mars connection allows you to complete your tasks before the start of the weekend and put a successful finish on the week! On Saturday, the planets are calm and enable you to have a relatively peaceful day! A Mercury/Jupiter connection encourages lots of conversations. This is a good day to do any creative work. Your mind is filled with an abundance of ideas. If you need to put things in order, a supportive Sun/Saturn alignment comes to your aid. Focus on getting your personal space organized! On Sunday, an early start would be to your advantage! The day opens with the Moon in the ‘compassionate’ sign of Pisces and ends with the Moon entering the aggressive sign of Aries. If you needed to sleep in late you can have a bit of a problem as a lunar contact with restless planet Uranus interferes with your rest by keeping your mind turning and stimulated! If you needed a day this weekend to really get things moving, today is he day as planets Mars and Saturn join forces! Energy planet Mars and Saturn the planet of organization motivates you to get busy with difficult projects or those tasks with require a lot of stamina and focus! Be mindful of anything you’re doing between the hours of 2:13 and 5:45 p.m. EST. The Moon is Void of Course meaning that there is the atmosphere suffers from low vitality and things tend to standstill instead of moving forward! Watch your spending and eating! A Venus/Jupiter contact warns that your indulgences can get the best of you! Stay away from those things you love to eat that are not good for you and for heaven’s sake, stay away from the tempting sales at the malls!