“Beloved, let us love one another…”
1 John 4:7
Affirmation for the Day:
The energy of love surrounds me
Astro Weekend
Astro Weekend
Reading for Friday, Feb. 11 thru Sunday Feb, 13, 2011
TGIF! On Friday, the planets suggest that in order to get things right you’ll have to take your time. It’s the Valentine’s Day weekend and almost everyone can be preoccupied making plans for some special event over the next few days! A Moon/Neptune contact warns that deception is high in the atmosphere. Neptune, the planet of illusion suggests that someone might not be telling you the truth regarding a certain matter. Stay alert or you can be taken advantage of in some manner. Be especially watchful of your financial transactions, things might can go wrong with any situation involving money. The cosmic energy changes when the Moon shifts into the ‘talkative’ sign of Gemini at 5:20 p.m. EDT. (Be careful of your activities from 2:27p.m., until after the Moon makes the shift, as delays can happen!) Expect to have lots of energy to chat with friends and loved ones. The sign of Gemini rules communications, so you might notice that the same person you’ve been trying to reach all week long finally picks up the phone to call you! On Saturday there is just no stopping you! You awaken to the energy of the ‘busy body’ Gemini Moon and chances are you are constantly moving from the time you have the first cup of morning coffee until you’re ready to drop from exhaustion later in the evening, as a Moon/Mercury ‘hook up’ keeps you on your toes and mentally alert. (Hopefully you weren’t thinking of day in bed? Your chances of resting and relaxing are zero with all the nervous energy in the atmosphere!) Be mindful of the company you keep on Saturday, a nasty alignment between the Moon and the planet Pluto cautions you to monitor what you say. You can ruin your Valentine’s Day plans by having hasty words or a ‘little too honest’ conversation with a loved one. Warning! You’ll be eating your Valentine’s candy alone! Honestly, Sunday is the best day of the entire weekend, so make all your important plans on this early part of this day! You’ll find yourself in good spirits with plenty of energy as the Moon remains in the sign of Gemini for most of the day. There will be a dramatic change in energy once the Moon shifts into the ‘sensitive’ sign of Cancer at 9:48 p.m. EDT and this is where your Valentine’s Day plans can go right down the drain! A Cancer Moon can bring out the ‘touchiness’ in people! Be careful not to hurt the feelings of your loved one this evening. The energy on Valentine’s Day leaves a lot more to be desired! A caustic alignment between the Moon and abundant planet Jupiter lets you in on what is to be expected on your day of romance! This best advice to get thru this entire weekend is ‘speak no evil, see no evil and hear no evil!’ Be loving and patient!