Monday, February 9, 2009

Astro Reading for Monday Feb., 9, 09

Astro Reading for Monday, Feb., 9, 2009

Happy marvelous Monday and happy full Moon! As a rule, full Moon's are always full of unexpected occurrences, but today's full Moon brings some added surprises as it joins forces with an eclipse and later going Void of Course. This promises to be a day full of ups and downs. The spiritual quality of today's cosmic environment will bring attention to something you've ignored or neglected in your life. So, brace yourself for getting hidden, but critical information. Today's issues may include unfinished business in a past relationship or realizing that you may not have the love you want in your life. This can be a 'truth serum' day! In addition to the issues uncovered by the Moon, an eclipse gives added intensity, such as you getting the urge to suddenly start doing something you've been longing to do, or end a matter which has been causing you concern! Eclipses launch you into action. Your emotions and how you feel about certain things will be the issues of most important to you! The Moon in the 'heart felt' sign of Leo adds extra drama to today's events. You may cross paths with someone who must be the center of attention, so try to keep your feelings about their outward needs for being in the spotlight known. The less you react, the better today! Your activities slow down after 2:29 p.m. EST and lasting until tomorrow morning. This is a day best for planning your next move rather than initiating any course of action. If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aquarius who . Tuesday is your best day.
Aries: This is the day where you'll get beyond what others think about you and start thinking and acting for yourself. If you're one of those people where the opinions of others are important, today's full Moon, lunar eclipse will free you from your 'prison of public opinion.' Trust more in your own instincts. You've noticed that any time to break away from what others are saying and follow your own voice that you're pretty on point. Practice makes perfect! Practice listening to your own inner spirit today!

Taurus: Today's full Moon, lunar eclipse is bringing your attention to some uncomfortable things happening around your home. If you're living with someone where you feel compelled to 'tip toe' around them because they're always edgy or constantly in a bad mood, guess what? The tables turn today! Taurus, when you're fed up with something, that is it! There is no longer any room for compromise or negotiation! Your radar is turned toward your home and family situation. Things will change to suit your needs ill regardless of what others think! Because, starting today, you've had enough!

Gemini: Don't neglect to pick up the phone today! That is unless you're afraid of what you might hear! The full Moon, lunar eclipse fills your ears with all kinds of gossips, secrets and private details of someone you're very interested in knowing about. With information comes awareness! After today, you won't be able to say that you don't know certain things about that someone special. The details will be both positive to your cause and not so positive! You might discover that there is someone new in the picture. If this is a love situation, act fast and gain their attention. You have the edge today!

Cancer: You can be startled about something concerning your finances today! The full Moon, lunar eclipse brings eye opening information about your cash flow and it is necessary that you start working on remedying this situation quickly. If you find that money slips through your fingers, now is the time to find ways to make your dollars stick. There is an indication of finding new work! Be compelled to get busy! Spending money is one thing, but having no money to spend is a totally different situation all together. Be positive and seek additional employment today!

Leo: Hold on tight to the pieces of your heart! You can find out something about the person you love which sends shock waves through your heart chakra The information can be constructive or destructive depending on what you're expectations were for this person. If you thought that you were involved with your soul mate and that they knew every inch of you're being, then you might be disappointed! But, finding out that the person you love is full of contradictions and complexities might be surprising but somewhat intriguing. Give love a realistic chance!

Virgo: You find out so many secrets today that even the 'fly' on the wall starts telling you things! A few things that you needed to know, not only comes to your attention, but you stumble over them! It's as though the Universe wants you to know something and wants you to get an accurate picture of it, just in case you're one of those people who don't believe their eyes! You see it, you hear it and someone out of the clear blue brings it to your attention. There is no way you can get away from the truth today!

Libra: The full Moon, lunar eclipse indicates that this is the day to see for yourself and not allow others to 'see' for you! If you're not sure of what it is you want to do for your future only means that you're listening to the advice of others and not taking into account the needs of your mind, body and spirit! Put the expectations of others on hold. The truth is that no one is ever happy with anything you do, they always think that you can do better. Maybe because you're living their dream and not your own dream! Stand in no one's footsteps but your own today!

Scorpio: Your rise to the top is costing you plenty. Are you in pursuit of a leadership position because you like to be in charge or because people expect for you to be the boss? Your reasons for pursuing certain courses of action will be analyzed today! There can be things currently going on in your life that are not bringing you peace. The full Moon, lunar eclipse gives you insight concerning your present career direction and whether you're on the right path. There is a hidden motive for every move taken. Today you'll be able to clearly see your private reasons.

Sagittarius: You realize today that it's important that you see beyond your present circumstances. Things may not be going the way you would want them to go, but the truth is that you're not defined by 'where you are' in life, but by 'where you're going!' Keep a clear vision of your future in your head and in your heart. Today's full Moon, lunar eclipse gives you new hope for the things you want to achieve and the understanding that you can be either your own best friend or your own worse enemy!

Capricorn: You need to redefine a few of your personal choices. Always being available to certain people may no longer work well in your life these days. You discover that they tend to be more aware of their own needs and not so aware of your needs. If this is the case, you have no one to blame but yourself. Stop allowing yourself to be placed in a role of 'helper' and 'care giver' all the time. Today's full Moon/lunar eclipse gives you the courage to change the dynamics of a personal relationship, whether they're ready or not! Because, this is what you 'need' to do!
Aquarius: Are you having pangs to your chest, or just an awakening about something in your love life today? Some very revealing information becomes available about the person you presently have in your life and you'll have to take a few steps backwards to see if this is really who you thought they were? Disclosure can be painful, but staying in a lie is even worse. Be prepared to get the truth handed to you! Make sure you have both palms open!

Pisces: Do you feel as though you're a fish out of water? Do you appear to be uncomfortable with the people you interact with everyday? If you answered yes to any of these, you have a very strong reason to start looking for more exciting people to interface with on a daily basis. Apparently, your intellectual needs are not being met. Today's full Moon, lunar eclipse sensitizes your actions with others. Your feelings will be brought to the surface for all to see, including yourself!