Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Astro Reading for Tuesday Feb., 17, 2009

"Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock."

Isaiah 26:4

"When the music changes, so does the dance"

African Proverb


"My mind is a tool I can choose to use any way I wish."

Astro Reading for Tuesday Feb., 17, 2009

Happy terrific Tuesday! The planets send a huge dose of ‘feel good' energy into the atmosphere! Abundant-planet Jupiter makes strong planetary connections inspiring you to see things in a positive more constructive way! Jupiter is the ‘mo better planet' and it brings more of something you desire. You just might feel a little lucky, on top of everything! If there is something you'd like to take a chance at, today is the day to do so! How you handle your money will be a major concern today! Keeping healthy cash flow will take up a lot of your mental time. What you have financially and how you use it can be critical. Securing your resources is a move in the right direction. Don't play games with your money! If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aquarius who is disciplined and determined. Saturday is your best day. The Moon is in the inspiring sign of Sagittarius. Best signs for the day are Aries and Sagittarius.

Aries: Put on your ‘happy face' today! You have a powerful urge to meet and greet new people! Expansive-planet Jupiter encourages you to exchange information with those who might be of assistance to you in your work field. Networking has a huge return for you today! Step out of your comfort zone and make acquaintances with someone who can assist you to make career gains!

Taurus: You finally get your wish! Something you've been longing to have suddenly manifests into your life in a big way today! Your career situation will be blessed in some very positive manner. You can get a better job, a promotion or finally have the nerve to start the business you've always wanted to start! When you see the door of opportunity open today, don't hesitate to walk through it!

Gemini: Someone contacts you out of the blue today and you're more than thrilled to speak with them! This is a person you've been trying to reach for months with no luck, then today, a phone call arrives. The planets of communication favor you! Not only will you speak with them, but you'll get some very important matter taken care of! Make sure you're able to be reached today! Don't interfere with critical information headed in your direction.

Cancer: Don't discuss money with loved ones today! An argument is guaranteed if you decide to talk finances with someone who is totally irresponsible with their cash. Think twice before you lend any money if asked today! Some unexpected matter appears and you'll have to handle it with clear thinking. Keep a level head when it comes to your finances today.

Leo: A long misunderstanding is finally resolved today! An agreement of civility is reached between you and someone you interact with on a daily basis. Holding a grudge against someone you have to see everyday creates negative energy! Now that this obstacle is out of your way, you'll feel free to move forward with certain plans. Destructive feels can be placed aside!

Virgo: Don't worry about what others think about you! There will always be someone who doesn't like something you did or didn't do. You can't live your life by the expectations of others. You've been wanting to do for a while, and today is the day to ask yourself, ‘what is taking so long?' Free yourself from the opinions of others and do things your way today!

Libra: Make a difference in love today! Show your partner how you want to be treated! If you find that the person you love is out of suggestions on how to keep the energy flowing between the two of you, this is the day to lead by example. Often, an act is more powerful than the spoken word. Do something nice to get their attention and be prepared to receive the same in return!

Scorpio: Regardless of what someone does to you today, try not to over react! You have a few people irritated with you and they plan on creating a couple of problems for you today. Keep an open mind and a positive attitude and remember that falling into their antagonistic plans makes you a victim. Avoid situations, by keeping things moving today!

Sagittarius: The laws of attraction are strong for you today! Be mindful of what you think and what you say, because you can immediately create that energy into your life. This is a good day to have an important meeting! If there is something you need from the other party, your chances of receiving it are good! Conversations with the right people will bring the best intentions into your life today!

Capricorn: Your paranoia can get the best of you today! People you don't trust are nice to you and their unlikely actions have you wondering why? Keep your guards up today! If they weren't nice to you yesterday, there is no reason why they should change their behavior. Don't let them fool you with their deception. Be careful of those with ‘smiling faces' today!

Aquarius: Good fortune follows you today! Maybe not in the way of winning lotto, but by being in the right place at the right time or meeting people to offer great opportunities. This is the perfect day to follow your instincts and be receptive to different suggestions. Don't be afraid of trying something new!

Pisces: Your actions amaze certain people! They've been secretly watching you for a while and are impressed with your progress. This is your time to rise to the top and not worry about someone pulling the rug from under you! Your enemies have no power over you! You have a silent cheering section. There are more people for you than against you!

Astrologer Kim Allen718-443-3202
