Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cosmic clashes are everywhere!

"Then God said, 'Let there be light'; and there was light."

Genesis 1:3

Affirmation for the Day
“Divine light illumines my way. Hidden information becomes clear.”

Astro Reading for Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy wonderful Wednesday! This is certainly a day to watch your step and keep your ears open! The cosmic forces throw a few obstacles in your way and it’s up to you to avoid them and stay clear of all distractions! First on your plate of cosmic drama is a Sun/Moon square guaranteeing that your emotions will be put on the ‘hot seat’ today as someone tests your feelings about some sensitive matter. Limit all contact with anyone who loves the spotlight and will use any issue to fulfill their ego needs. You might find yourself in the middle of someone’s personal quest for attention, so bow out gracefully, if you can! Following that is a difficult Moon/Mercury square that will challenge all forms of communication. Ladies and Gentleman, this is not the day to have a one on one conversation with anyone who can make your life miserable! Not only will your attempts to find understanding fail, but you can create a worse situation between all existing parties. If you have a ‘beef’ keep it to yourself today! A Void of Course Moon, (lacking energy) is the icing on ‘cosmic cake!’ Your afternoon, (between 11:06 a.m. and 6:28 p.m. EDT) can be full of delays, setbacks, misunderstandings, rudeness and headaches! Avoid venturing into anything new and focus on old business. New issues can crash and burn today! One more cosmic insult occurs when the planets Saturn and Venus clash today! The last thing you’ll want to do is pamper someone’s feelings or attend to their needs! Relationships hit a brick wall! You just ain’t feeling the love today! If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are a Cancer who is motivating and influential. Thursday is your best day. The Moon enters the sign of Taurus at 6:28 p.m. EDT. Best signs for the day are Taurus and Capricorn.