Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This evenings solar eclipse is a powerful one!

“Behold, I do a new thing; now it shall spring forward…I will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:19

Affirmation for the Day
“I bravely move beyond my past and open the door for a new future.”

Astro Reading for Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy terrific Tuesday, happy new Moon and happy total eclipse of the Sun! The energy of renewal is strong in the atmosphere today! Expect something in your life to change! Eclipses are notorious for triggering new beginnings or finalizing endings. Somewhere in your life there is a need or a desire to move forward or turn away from something or someone interfering with your growth! The atmosphere is pregnant with adjustment and a shift of direction! The eclipse doesn’t officially begin until 10:36 p.m. EDT, so you still have time to finish any unfinished projects which allows an opportunity for a spiritual ‘birthing’ of something new in your life. This is a take care of old business kind of day! Solar eclipses are often followed by some sort of revelation. When the light of the universe is hidden and the dark forces are allowed to manifest, the restoration of light catches those negative forces in action and you’ll be able to see and realize what has been going on behind your back, or some activity that you’ve been unaware of! So look carefully at everything this evening! Eclipses are powerful for pushing away the old situations to make room for the new! The new Moon in the sensitive sign of Cancer stimulates introspection of your feelings and gives you the license to rid yourself of anything causing you emotional drama. You will not be able to ignore your feelings today, so it better to roll with whatever is revealed! In addition to the solar eclipse this evening, the Moon goes Void of Course, (lacking energy from 10:34 p.m. until 11:27 p.m. EDT.) Try to keep your schedules clear from any important activities. Chances there will be some kind of interruption. If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are a Cancer who is dynamic and innovative. Wednesday is your best day. Signs that are strongly empowered today are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.