Thursday, February 19, 2009

Astro Reading for Thursday Feb., 19, 09

The Serenity Prayer

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."

Affirmation for the Day

I walk in the grace of God. All my needs will be taken care of this day and every day.

Astro Reading for Thursday, Feb., 19, 2009

Happy tremendous Thursday! Don't let the delayed start of your day get in the way of you making something productive happen! Keep your momentum high in spite of the interference of an early morning Void of Course Moon. The atmosphere might be slow moving until the Moon shifts energy by 8:25 p.m. EST., after then your determination increases. There is nothing you can't accomplish once you put your mind to it. In addition to stamina, you can expect to have a type of ‘ X ray' vision when it comes to your circumstances. A Moon/Pluto connection gives you the insight to see the hidden motives of people and situations! Pay attention to signs and psychic signals today! If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are born on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces, and you are a person who has an independent spirit and a commitment to success. Sunday is your best day. The Moon enters the sign of Capricorn at 8:25 p.m. EST. Best signs for the day are Taurus and Capricorn.

Astro Readings:

Aries: Things on the job become more obvious today! You’ve been so busy attending to your business that you haven’t been keeping an eye on the desperadoes at work! There are people around you who have a ‘cut throat’ spirit and staying out of their way is the right thing to do. Negative actions bring negative results. “For what profits a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul.” Matthew 16:26

Taurus: Set your heights on making progress today! The planets are supportive in you getting ahead in everything you do. Join forces with a few worthy people who think like you and who have the same drive. This is the perfect day to form an alliance of spiritually advanced thinkers! There is power in numbers and you can use some new faces to strengthen your rank!

Gemini: Avoid being in the dark! Not knowing where you stand financially is akin to being in ‘cash flow darkness.’ If you’ve neglected paying your bills on time or have ignored what you owe to others, the truth is that things don’t automatically disappear, they multiply in proportion. Get rid of any confusion regarding your finances today! This is an ideal time to become more organized with your debts. You need to know exactly what your status is and what it takes to get out of this mess!

Cancer: You seem to have some sort of magnet for attracting people from the past today! You can run into old friends from high school, an old neighbor or even someone you once had a crush on today! Seeing people from your past allows you to bring new perspective to your life. What were you doing during such and such a time and what are you doing now? If things are not better, this is the day to make a change in some area of your life!

Leo: You can run into some of the most diabolical people today! Unexpected power struggles blind side you. There is something that you have or something that you’re doing which a certain person would like to take from you. They go about this in very underhanded ways. Avoid all arguments, because this would affect your thinking. Make no major decisions today unless you have all the facts!

Virgo: You’re standing on solid ground today! You feel so confident about where you are in life that there is nothing anyone can do to you to make you feel differently. But, of course there will those who will try! Avoid meaningless conversations with people who disagree with you on minor things today! Don’t waste your precious time with those who see faults. This is not your crowd of people anyway, and don’t let them change your mood!

Libra: You’ll probably get more accomplished if you work alone today! The cosmic energy places people with drastically different opinions in your way. Being a thoughtful person means that any logical argument would take your attention away from what it is you’re trying to get done. Don’t be influence by the opinions of others. Stay focused by remaining in your own company today!

Scorpio: Try not to be so moody today! The planets suggest that you could be determined to follow a certain path and if things don’t cooperate with your choice of direction that you can have major mood swings today! The more irritable you are, the less likely anyone will come to your rescue. Hold a certain positive thought in your mind and allow that to help you work thru your day!

Sagittarius: Have you been too freewheeling when it comes to the way you handle your money? The planets encourage you to question your financial management today. Pluto, the planet of transformation increases your desire to hold on to your cash and use it more wisely. This is a good day to change your attitude about your finances. Change your spend thrift way and be more disciplined today!

Capricorn: You gain more respect today! Certain people have been quietly analyzing you and notice that you have more going on for yourself than they first realized. Look for a shift in someone’s attitude when it comes to how they treat you today! You’ll notice that they’ll be more considerate when they approach you. It’s just they’re way to letting you know that they like what they see!

Aquarius: You know the saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks and that applies to your old friends as well. If you find yourself not being attracted to your hang out buddies they way you used to, there can be a real reason for it. There is a strong chance that you’ve out grown them and need to find a new crowd to grow with! Don’t fight progress, just let it flow!

Pisces: Stop being so responsible for everyone around you today! People are so used to you covering their tracks, that they don’t even bother to try to do things the right way! Refrain from being the ‘den mother’ for your coworkers or your friends. Take some of the pressure of your shoulders and let others clean up their own messes today! Take time off!