“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Affirmation for Today:
“Challenges serve to make me stronger. I will do my best whenever one presents itself.”
(What is an affirmation? An affirmation is a statement you make to energetically change your circumstances. It is a declaration that something is true or it is a wish stated as if something is already true.)
Astro Reading for Thursday, Feb., 5, 2009
Happy tremendous Thursday! Keep your expectations under control today! A day long Void of Course Moon, (lacking energy) can short circuited even your best made plans. The chances of your appointments being cancelled, or that your package won’t arrive on time, or that you miss a very important phone call or any other frustrating occurrence has a very good chance of happening between the hours of 12:53 p.m. until 11:43 p.m. this evening! This means that your entire day is on cosmic ‘lock down!’Refrain from starting any new business! It just won’t have
a constructive outcome! This is the perfect day to retrace your steps, go over existing matters to rework the weak points and correct the ‘bugs’ in your projects. Keep a flexible attitude today! A difficult opposition between planets Saturn and Uranus can create a tug of war between you and someone who challenges your sense of authority or questions your method for getting things done. This is a good day to avoid anger and rise to your highest good! The foundation of your relationship can be questioned today. Secrets in love may test your partnership, and hopefully things will work out, but just in case of a necessary adjustment, remember that ‘The Lord is close to the brokenhearted.” Psalm 34:18. If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aquarius who is articulate and daring. Wednesday is your best day. Best signs for the day are
Aries: Keep a firm grip on your positive attitude today! Your uplifting spirit acts as a magnet for those who are miserable, unhappy and depressed! They seem to lack your ability to appreciate the goodness present in each and every day! Be prepared to be a mentor, an advisor or a good friend. Your insight gives someone who is lost a strong sense of direction!
Taurus: Giving space to an old friend might be necessary today! There is a chance that this person might be jealous of any new people you’re meeting, and quietly embark on a mission of sabotage! Do you find yourself having to defend your other friends who have a different point of view? Is there always a reason why you shouldn’t be with this person or that person? The truth is that they want you all to themselves. Their insecurity is smothering!
Gemini: Brace yourself for a day of enormous tension! You can find yourself facing several pressing issues today. Everything wants your attention during the same moment, and yes, you’re born under the sign of the twins, but you can’t be in two or three places at the same time! Be decisive in all that you do today! Spend your energy only on the critical issues. Tomorrow is another day!
Cancer: Safe guard the subject of your conversations today! You may will find that any positive statement made to a negative person will be shot down and disputed! Unless you’re in a ‘debate’ frame of mind, this is not the day to set yourself up for interacting with someone who enjoys proving you or others wrong. Keep your important conversations for those you think like you today!
Leo: What is it about you and money these days? You can have the worse time trying to manage your financial business and keep your positive disposition! You get a wake up call today regarding the manner in which your money is being controlled and treated! Don’t be accused of being a cowardly lion when it comes to your cash flow! Make sure everything is in order regarding your finances!
Virgo: Someone attempts to apply pressure to you today! But, what they’ll soon realize is that you’re ‘not the one’ to be pushed around! Reality sets in as they discover just how firm you are in your beliefs. Someone over plays their position with you by thinking that your feelings for them will over ride your common sense! They’ll find clarity today!
Libra: Don’t resist the urge to change! The planets bring your attention to a matter which has been neglected and it can’t be ignored any longer! There will be an adjustment needed regarding an employment matter brought to light for you to analyze and resolve. Everything which happens today occurs for an important reason! Attend to your business, Libra!
Scorpio: Someone is spreading rumors about you today! They’re saying that you change friends the same way you change hats! Right or wrong, this bit of information placed in the wrong person’s hands can cause drama. Someone will come to the conclusion that you can’t be faithfulness! Just know that a certain person has their eyes on you!
Sagittarius: You will be held accountable for your actions today! Just because you want to change an agreement doesn’t mean that people are willing to see things your way! Your reputation is at stake. It’s best to keep your promises and make adjustments for the future. Do what you said were going to do, or someone will make a big issue out of it today!
Capricorn: There is a major difference between your ‘wants’ and your ‘needs!’ You get a reality check on having what you desire or making sure your priorities are taken care of! Capricorn, you’re too practical to let any of your business be neglected, but there is nothing wrong with planning for the future! Creative visualization is worthy of your time today! Do some!
Aquarius: Don’t let your money slip away from you! You might be pressured to take up the slack of someone who owes a bill and you don’t want matters to get worse for them. Be sure you’re doing the best thing by helping them out of this situation! You can be a co-dependent in their spending addiction! Use your finances only in an appropriate manner!
Pisces: Refrain from having any serious conversations about making future plans with your loved one! The planets indicate that they can throw water on any thing positive you’re considering to do! Allowing people to be themselves is the best action to take today! Stop applying pressure. You can’t make a situation into something that it’s not!