Friday, February 20, 2009

Astro Reading Weekend for Friday, 20 thru Sunday 22, 2009

"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."
1 John 4:8

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
.Mahatma Gandhi

Affirmation of the Day

I freely express gratitude. I thank God for every turn in my life.

Rev. Janine White

Astro Weekend

Friday, Feb., 20 thru Sunday Feb., 21, 2009

Happy wonderful weekend! On Friday, it’s all about getting your business taken care of and matters properly put away before the start of the weekend. The Moon on Friday is in the ‘determination’ sign of Capricorn, which assists you to push thru any matter preventing resolution of your issues. The cosmic energy on Saturday is much more laid back. A day long Void of Course Moon, (lacking energy) seems to bring everything to a standstill and this includes your appointments or arriving anywhere on time. If you have something to do on Saturday, be patient and try to get an early start. Chances are you’ll have to wait longer than usual as the day is full of delays and set backs from 4:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. EST. On Saturday, evening you can stop holding your breath as things get back on track when the Moon enters the ‘social’ sign of Aquarius. A date with your special someone should go well that evening. On Sunday, the cosmic environment clears and you’re free to move freely without any hidden interference from the planets. Sunday can be the best day of the weekend with positive connections with planets Venus and Jupiter keeping your spirits up!

If Friday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are a Pisces who is compassionate with a receptive personality. Monday is your best day.

If Saturday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are a Pisces who has a creative mind and a dominate presence. Thursday is your best day.

If Sunday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are a Pisces who is dynamic and articulate. Sunday is your best day.

Astro Readings:

Aries: Throw out your ‘to do list’ this weekend! The planets indicate that no matter what you’ve planned or hard you try to get certain things done, they probably won’t happen. Let your hair down Aries! The best way to handle this weekend’s energy is to be totally spontaneous and let things occur in the own time! Avoid the stress; it’s only a waste. Relax and find something else to do!

Taurus: Lower your defenses Taurus! This is the weekend to step out of your comfort zone and start meeting new people. If you have problems getting to know different people, it can be because they feel that you have an ‘invisible fence up.’ The planets are positive for increasing your circle of friends this weekend. Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with someone you think might be interesting to speak with. You have nothing to lose!

Gemini: This is the weekend to be brave enough to make that phone call! If there is someone who’s feelings you have hurt and you’re feeling badly about it, pick up the phone and say that you’re sorry! The planets are very supportive for kissing and making up! This is the weekend to make a wrong right! Go ahead and say that you’re sorry!

Cancer: The chemistry is strong between you and a certain person this weekend! The planets of love stirs things up in your relationship sector and situations start looking more encouraging. It appears that you won't be spending this weekend alone unless you want to! But the chances are good that you’ll want to share your quality time with someone of quality. The power of love surrounds you this weekend.

Leo: Without a doubt, you will be given the special treatment by someone who loves the ground you walk on this weekend! The planets make things all soft and sweet between you and someone who has much affection for you! Expect to have more romance coming your way! Make room for someone else in your space this weekend!

Virgo: Focus on making your home more comfortable! This is a good time to begin a beautification project and do something you’ve always wanted to do with your space. The planets encourages you be a bit more daring in your decorating efforts. Don’t be afraid to try something adventurous. Concentrate on bringing peace and calmness to your place of rest!

Libra: Dialogues are rewarding! Your conversations can be very supportive this weekend! Communications are positive and you can get the answers you’re looking for. The energy is good for putting a few unresolved issues to rest. Don’t hesitate to ask that certain someone their true feelings. Prepare yourself for the answers. They may not be what you expect.

Scorpio: Maintaining the right attitude is affecting your finances. Money will start to look much better this weekend! You’ve begun to get a lot more serious about your finances and you see a positive change! Don’t slip and get weak with your money this weekend. You’ve done a good job of managing and things are starting to work well for you!

Sagittarius: You get a lot of attention this weekend! There is something new that you’re doing which is capturing the energy of others! The planets make you feel more encouraged and you in return allow your light to shine.
There can be a change in romance! Someone likes what they see and is coming closer to get a better view!

Capricorn: Your spirits are high and inspired this weekend! In spite of anything which has happened during the week, the cosmic forces give you a shot of uplifting energy which allows you something to feel good about! Don’t focus on your present problems, see yourself in the future. Allow the power of your higher mind to elevate you out of your circumstances.

Aquarius: Someone misses talking with you and they want to reconnect with you in the worse way! Be more mindful of returning phone calls or being available for others to reach you over the next few days! Talking with this special someone will be worth your every effort this weekend! Pay attention to your phone calls!

Pisces: You have good energy this weekend and regardless of what interferences come your way, nothing will be able to take your joy! Use the power of attraction to draw goodness into your weekend! People bend over backwards to make you happy and situations fall in your favor. See every obstacles as a chance to make something better happen!