"The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple."
Psalm 119:130
It is not what you are called, but what you answer to.
African Proverb
Affirmation of the Day
I use my inner wisdom to run the business of my life.
Astro Reading for Wednesday, Feb., 18, 2009
Happy wonderful Wednesday! Trying to keep things together can take more effort than normal today. You might feel pulled in two separate directions all at the same time. Challenging lunar aspects suggests that balance is the key to making things happen. If you're not careful, you can feel the pangs of trying to meet the pressures of deadlines. A project has to be done today, but in your efforts of accomplishment you use unusual methods. Situations can be chaotic. Try not to do anything too extreme to meet your goals. The Sun entering the sign of Pisces suggests that now is a good time to get in touch with your belief system and embrace an uplifting spiritual path. Issues with your loved one have a chance to be resolved as love-planet Venus interacts with passion planet Mars. You can find the support you need from your partnership. People are more willing to hear and respect the other person's point of view. The Moon goes Void of Course at 8:56 p.m. EST. That means that anything you're trying to do after this time will be met with opposition. Keep your night time schedule flexible. If today is your birthday, happy birthday, you are born on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces. Tuesday is your best day. You are a person who is dynamic and charismatic. The Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius.
Aries: Keep your plans to yourself today! Someone is trying to figure out what you're up to so that they can throw some interference your way. If you find that a certain person is overly friendly and overly talkative, be careful! They're only being nice for a reason. There is some information that they need to know from you! By keeping your plans private, you'll keep your enemies in the dark!
Taurus: This is a good day to make peace! If there is someone whom you've been bickering with and you want to end it, this is the perfect day to resolve your issues. The energy of compassion leads your actions today. All parties involved will feel the same as you! Stop holding on to old issues and old drama! Let go of problems that are no longer useful in your life.
Gemini: Feelings get in the way of your productivity today! You'll be forced to work with someone who is overly sensitive. There is a time and place for everything, but someone needs your attention regardless of what you're involved in! Take a few moments to listen to their issues. Allowing them to speak will clear the air and lets you to get back on track. Be mindful of those who need extra attention today!
Cancer: Your intuition speaks strongly to you today! Don't second guess your instincts! If you have a urge to do one thing over another, follow your inner voice. You'll discover that when you listen to your gut that things tend to fall in place. The planets give you extra sensitivity towards knowing what to do! Focus on a tough project and see what happens. You get sudden awareness about something which has been there all along.
Leo: There are just some people who should be avoided today! Stay away from anyone is who always negative or discouraging. It's no secret why things are not going well in their life, but their energy is strong enough to affect those around them as well. If you're trying to get something important done today, watch the company you keep. Your present company can be keeping you down!
Virgo: Find a shoulder to cry on today! If you see that things are not working the way you had planned and you need someone to talk with, don't hesitate to find someone who always has an open door to you! You can't be tough all the time! There are moments when your supportive system has to carry your weight. Locate someone with a compassionate heart and a willing ear to hear your issues today!
Libra: You can have major problems trying to make a decision today! Not only are the planets challenging you, but the people who are involved in your decision are not making your choices easy. You are not one to be pushed into doing anything! If you need more time to come to the best course of action, then take more time. No one can make you do anything you don't want to do! Being at peace with your decision is more important!
Scorpio: Old friends keep in touch today! Someone you haven't heard from in months gets the bright idea to call you. They must have been feeling your ‘vibe,' because this is someone you've been longing to have a conversation with for a while. This is a positive day to reconnect and reestablish tried and true partnerships! Try not to miss any phone calls today!
Sagittarius: Keep certain people out your business today! Someone is nosing around trying to find out sensitive information about you and the last thing you need to do is volunteer any information. Don't discuss any of your personal issues with anyone today! The person you think might be a friend can be the same person trying to bring you down. Keep your business to yourself!
Capricorn: Your conversations can be touchy today! This is not a good time to surround yourself with people who annoy you! Before you know it, you can say something you might be sorry for, and apologizing is not something you do easily. Pick your company carefully today! Stay away from complicated personalities or people who like challenges. Unfavorable comments can take you some place you don't want to be!
Aquarius: Let your lack of finances drive you toward making more money today! If you discover that your cash flow is below par, don't panic, look for new and innovative ways to increase your money! The planets supply you with some incredible bright ideas, that you should move on quickly! This is a great day to stimulate your purpose for positive abundance!
Pisces: The Sun in your sign gives you a burst of new energy! This is the perfect day to find a new direction and pursue it! Being more out going will bring new people into your life today! Don't be afraid of trying something new, because you could use a change! The planets send you encouragement! Find the courage to do something you've always wanted to do!
Astrologer Kim Allen718-443-3202