“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trail.”
James 1:12
Affirmation for the Day.
“I will respect my inner voice today. My higher spirit will lead my way.”
Reading for Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Happy terrific Tuesday! Today’s cosmic forces suggest that this is the right time to follow strong intuitive signals. The Moon in the psychic sign of Pisces is perfect for paying attention to your gut instinct and being aware of spiritual messages. Avoid doing anything which doesn’t feel right to your inner voice. What you do today can last longer than you anticipate, so watch your steps carefully! Your sense of compassion encourages you to help someone in need. The cosmic law of Reaping and Sowing is in full effect today! It’s not always about giving with the intention of gaining something in return. Open your heart and give with no expectation of compensation and receive the blessing of a generous spirit! The new Moon is two days away. Now is a good time to contemplate what direction you’ll like to embark about in the season of ‘new beginnings!’ Take time to meditate and pray on the path which is best for you! If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aries who is warm and trusting. Friday is your best day. Best signs for the day are Cancer and Pisces.