Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Today's Void of Course Moon will slow you down!

“So I turned my mind to understand,
to investigate and to search out wisdom.”

Ecclesiastes 7:25
Affirmation for the Day:

“My thoughts have power. I will attract what I think!

Astro Reading for Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy wonderful Wednesday! Keep your chin up! The cosmic atmosphere presents lots of challenges today. In the mist of aggravation, holding a positive attitude and maintaining your momentum is easier said than done! Your ability to lose your calm is challenged you as you face a day filled with disruptive energy. A Void of Course Moon, (lacking energy) suggests that there can be a major timing problem. A flexible schedule will be needed! More than likely things won’t happen when expected. People are late, events are late, transportation is late and everything seems to be at standstill! Breathe easy! Situations will change once the Moon shifts gears after 2:46 p.m. EDT. By then, the atmosphere will be more agreeable as people seek compromise to figure out their issues. Don’t forget that the vibration of the full Moon is still very active! Tongues wage as information flows quickly! Be mindful not to be involved in any negative conversations. Gossip is a no-no today! Full Moons act as karmic mirrors! What you do to others will be uncovered! Who needs that stress? Watch your actions and keep everything above board! If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are a Pisces who has a keen mind and visionary abilities. Monday is your best day. Best signs for the day are Libra and Aquarius.