Monday, March 9, 2009

Tomorrow's full Moon energy affects you today!

“God has surely listened and heard my prayer.”
Psalm 66:19

Affirmation for the Day
“I am confident that God is fulfilling all my needs. My cup runneth over with blessings coming my way.”
Astro Reading for Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy marvelous Monday! A slow start to your morning is pretty much guaranteed as the Moon remains Void of Course, (low energy) until 11:34 p.m. EST. After this time the Moon shifts into the ‘workaholic’ sign of Virgo and there’s nothing to stop you from getting things done! The energy of tomorrow’s full Moon is present in the atmosphere. You might feel a bit touchy when to come to certain subjects, so avoid getting your wires crossed with anyone who wants to nit pic at your words. A Moon/Mercury connection suggests that the clearer you are in your communications today, the less stress for you! Stay away from negative people with destructive thoughts, skepticism is everywhere and someone out there wants to start an argument for no good reason. Allow no one to destroy the goodness in your day. If someone wants a verbal fight, let them fight by themselves! There is power in silence! If today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are a Pisces who is courageous and innovative. Tuesday is your best day. Best signs for the day are Virgo and Taurus.