Friday, March 27, 2009

The weekend will be full of productive energy!

“From the fruit of his mouth a man’s stomach is filled;
with the harvest from his lips he is satisfied.”

Proverbs 18:20

Affirmation for the Day

My words and thoughts are alive with energy.
I will choose carefully everything I attract into my life.

Astro Weekend

Reading for Friday, March 27 thru Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy wonderful weekend! You won’t have any problems sitting still for the next 24 hours. With the Moon in the energy loving sign of Aries, you’ll have plenty of stamina to run around and get things done, and enough energy to keep your socializing at an all time high! On Friday, the Moon is in the sign of fiery Aries and on Saturday and Sunday, the Moon enters the much focused sign of Taurus. Your missions will be accomplished over the weekend, but do be careful with your conversations! Difficult aspects with communication planet Mercury can create tensions in your conversations. Avoid speaking to anyone who has a chip on their shoulder. If you want to maintain an uplifting weekend watch your discussions with others! What you say and whom you say it to will play a major role in the company you keep, so choose your words carefully! Don’t be surprised if someone from the past tries to find you. Finishing some unfinished business is strongly on their mind. On Sunday, you’ll get a chance to relax and enjoy the laid back energy as the Moon makes herself comfortable in the earthy sign of Taurus. Your message for the weekend is to remember that timing is everything! This might not be the best weekend for honesty, especially if you’re surrounded by overly sensitive people!

If Friday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aries who is an elegant and a creative thinker. Tuesday is your best day.

If Saturday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aries who is independent and focused. Sunday is your best day.

If Sunday is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aries who is creative and perceptive. Monday is your best day.